Recycling Puppet Dvd (Lost Maybe Local Fond du lac or Dodge county area; early-mid 2000s
Hey, i grew up in Wisconsin with this dvd in my living room that i always loved, until i do what kids do and have a scary dream about the puppet in it and be scared of it. i had my mom sell it at a garage sale so i don’t know what happened to it. i don’t remember much about it at all but what i do remember is it had a puppet that did a sesame street type of recycling spiel to a group of little kids in what i remember to be in a building and the puppet was behind a conveyer belt. in the middle of the whole thing there was a little news segment after some sort of non profit add, then it went back to the main show. the one thing i remember most is at the end of the show milk exploded all over the puppet. OH, and im pretty sure there’s a rat puppet too. I’ve brought it up to my mom over the years a few times cause i thought it was funny. and she’s said some stuff about that might help, my memory may be hazy though so the details might not be 100% accurate. so i remember her saying something about it being a local recording of a fair (most likely in Fond Du Lac County or Dodge County WI) or something (it wasn’t just a home video, it had a dvd case too (i think it was green with the puppet on the front) and a dvd menu and scene selection (etc)). Whenever i brought it up to her (and i remember her doing it when putting it in the dvd player a few times) she sang a little jingle or stm.
that’s all i got for you. i know that there are some smart MFs on here so please help me find this, i’ve been searching for like 4 years and i’ve got nothing