Superstitions of the Sky - I Love The Way You Hate The Way I Love You (Vadim Taver, Joshua Jakubowski)

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Superstitions of the Sky was a emo acoustic band hailing from the early 2000's, they were from the midwest eastern area and included two members. Joshua Jakubowski & Vadim Taver.

There is a demo song called "I Love The Way You Hate The Way I Love You" recorded sometime before their first debut album on a demo tape which only includes one member, which is assumed to be Joshua Jakubowski. The song has been "lost" since as early as 19 years ago, with the fans looking for it on lyric pages left up and internet forums ever since.

This is one of the lyric pages left up that mentions the song and it's lyrics in entirety, alongside a few comments mentioned in the paragraph above.

There has been attempts to reach out to Joshua Jakubowski & Vadim Taver with no luck yet, it is assumed the only person who would have it would be Josh Jakubowski

This is my personal speculation so take this with a grain of salt, but if you read the lyrics the song mentions an "Ash"

On their debut album, "Things said in Passing" there is a song called "Don't forget to write." which also mentions an "Ash". with the last line being,

"I guess that's why they call you Ash."

That song was sung and produced by Joshua Jakubowsi so I'm assuming this song would be too based off the contents of the lyrics being quite similar.

This is an extremely niche band that never really got any major media coverage or cult fanbase from the early 2000's that happens to be one of my favorites, so, any contributions, the full studio song or not are still very interesting to me... I'd love to hear/see what you have to offer or learn about this lost track.. thanks