The Popcorn Kid (found CBS sitcom; 1987)
The Popcorn Kid was a short-lived sitcom created by Barry Kemp. It aired from March 23rd to April 24th, 1987, in an 8:30 PM Eastern/Pacific slot on the CBS network, and centered around Scott Creasman (Bruce Norris), a high school student who dreams of becoming a big movie star while being stuck serving popcorn at the Kansas City Majestic Theater.[1]
Despite the show being well received by critics, few people actually watched it and, as a result, the show was cancelled after barely a month on the air and fell into obscurity, receiving no home release and little notoriety in general.
While the show received no official release, all 6 episodes have been uploaded to YouTube, originally by The Visual Wasteland (episodes 1-4 and 6) and "mantronix4ever" (episodes 2 and 5).
Episode List
# | Episode Title | Status |
1 | Pilot | Found |
2 | There She Is, Vic Damone | Found |
3 | Career Day | Found |
4 | The Break-Up | Found |
5 | A Day in the Life of Ed Asner | Found |
6 | A Car, a House, a Mouse and a Louse | Found |
External Links
- ↑ TV Guide webpage on The Popcorn Kid. Retrieved 14 Oct '22