Tokyo Pig (partially lost English dub of anime series; 2002)
Tokyo Pig, also known as Fair, then Partly Piggy is an anime series, based on a picture book written by Shiro Yadama. The series is about a boy named Spencer Weinberg-Takahama who starts writing his journal entries a day in advance, after discovering that whatever he writes down actually happens the day after.
The anime series was created by Group TAC, which was aired on TV Tokyo from July 3rd, 1997, to September 29th, 1998. When it was dubbed into English, it was renamed Tokyo Pig. The dub was first broadcast on September 14th, 2002, in America on ABC Family.[1]
ABC Family had aired the first two episodes in order but started airing a limited amount of the original Japanese episodes out of order. Out of the total 61 episodes, only 28 episodes were dubbed and aired in America, while the series itself would be pre-empted by repeats of older episodes and shows like Spiderman, Power Rangers, and The Incredible Hulk. After the series' abrupt cancellation on March 30th, 2003, Miramax released "The Best of Tokyo Pig", which only contained 8 of the 28 dubbed episodes. Nowadays, 16 of the once-lost dubbed episodes can be found on the internet, along with the released 8, but "Spencer Gets Buggy" is the only remaining episode still missing. A Blu-Ray disc containing the complete series was set to be released by Asuka the Disc Dog in 2022.[2]
# | Episode Title | Status | Notes |
1 | "When Pigs Fly" | Found | On DVD. |
2 | "Invasion of the Pig Clones" | Found | |
3 | "A Bitter Fruit" | Found | On DVD. |
4 | "The Incredible Shrinking School" | Found | On DVD. |
5 | "Luck of the Draw" | Found | On DVD. |
6 | "Tickled Pigs Feet" | Found | |
7 | "Veggie Power" | Found | |
8 | "Aliens" (aka "Little Aliens, Pig Trouble") | Found | |
9 | "Trouble in Lightning Land" | Found | On DVD. |
10 | "Pigtoven vs. Principal" | Found | |
11 | "20,000 Leagues Beneath a C+" | Found | |
12 | "Dad is the Worst Cook Ever" | Found | On DVD. |
13 | "A Trip to the Slopes" | Found | |
14 | "Pigs on Ice" | Found | On DVD. |
15 | "Samurai Lunch Lady" | Found | On DVD. |
16 | "Lookout! It's A Cookout" | Found | |
17 | "The Devil Lady Next Door" | Found | |
18 | "Auld Lang Swine" | Found | |
19 | "Oinks from Outer Space" | Found | |
20 | "Spencer Goes Buggy" | Lost | |
21 | "Bones" | Found | |
22 | "Kite-Flying for Dummies" | Found | |
23 | "Pooped Out Pig" | Found | |
24 | "The Lovesick Castaway" | Found | |
25 | "Milk of Amnesia" | Found | |
26 | "Moon Girl" | Found | |
27 | "Pouty Pig: Scourge of the Galaxy" | Found | |
28 | "Bummer Vacation" | Found |
- ↑ Erickson, Hal (2005). Television Cartoon Shows: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1949 Through 2003 (2nd ed.). McFarland & Co. p. 858. ISBN 978-1476665993.
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