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(I'm writing this at way too late at night for me so if I made a mistake I apologize)

Hi, I'm Jimmy and I think that lost media is pretty neat. Especially lost animation, video/flash games, unfinished/canceled stuff, historical events, and music. I've been interested since the whole "A Day with Spongebob Squarepants" thing blew up a while back. Ever since then it's been one of my favorite topics.

Some of my favorite pieces of found lost media history are "Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa", "Penguins Behind Bars", "The Adventures of Johnny Quasar", "Half-Life"'s Dreamcast port, and "About Dressy Sally" (AKA "Clock Man"). Most of what I like about them comes from the story behind them, or in Rapsittie Street Kids case, because it's a magical work of cinematic art deserving of more attention and praise, of course. It is very good. Very. But yeah I wish I could have been around to help in the search for those, that would have been cool.

Honestly, a lot of my interest in lost media stems from my own selfish bias towards my interests/nostalgia, so you have me thinking that looking for 3D Groove games and Petpet Park's files is a good way to waste my time. Or a theoretical early version of Sonic Adventure 2 where Sonic, Knuckles, and Eggman were the only playable characters in a different story line before the fans threw a hissy fit because Tails wasn't playable. But besides my incoherent rambling, I'd like to see just about anything gets found since I think that preservation of media is super important.

My specific interest in lost media is in Gorillaz, as I'm a huge fan of their work, and they have a huge amount of lost content beyond just the (80+) songs that Damon has on an iPad somewhere. I'd love to see a fully working version of Phase1's flash website, especially since there were (at least)two versions of it(but then again I'm probably just being stupid, since there is a fan-made archive of the SWF files, but I could only get Murdoc's Winnebago to function so maybe the others are corrupted, but maybe that's just me not knowing what I'm doing). There's also 600+ pages worth of Celebrity Harvest literally sitting in Cass Brown's closet, and I'd pay good money to have those leaked somehow before he loses them. But of coarse the holy grail would be what fans have dubbed "Sea Sides", the previously mentioned 80+ tracks meant to be released after Plastic Beach. Granted, I believe that they're little more than demos or small orchestral clips, but damn it I want them.