A Thief in Paradise (partially found silent drama film; 1925)

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Status: Partially Found

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A Thief in Paradise is a silent drama film produced by Samuel Goldwyn, directed by George Fitzmaurice, and adapted by Frances Marion from Leonard Merrick's 1900 novel The Worldlings. The movie was distributed by the Associates First National (AFC), and the UFA (Germany). The actors were Doris Kenyon, Ronald Colman, and Aileen Pringle.


Actor Ronald Colman starred as Maurice Blake, Co-star Charles Youree plays the role of Philip Jardine, the wayward son of a San Francisco millionaire. The two men are part-time pearl fishers on an tropical island. During a fight underwater for a pearl, Jardine was attacked by a shark, leading to him getting killed by the shark. After the incident, Aileen Pringle (playing the role of Rosa Carimo) informs Blake that she has a letter from Jardine's rich father, urging him to return to San Francisco. The enveloped contained $500 to pay for transition. Even though Carmino knows that Jardine never seen his fully grown son, implores Blake to impersonate him. The two thieves arrived at San Francisco and are welcomed by Jardine family members. Blake falls in love with a neighbor named Helen played by Doris Kenyon. Carmino, who was jealous of the affair, paid off Blake to maintain her silence. However, after Blake marries Helen, Carmino tells Helen the true story. Blake admits the truth to Helen and despondent, tries to kill himself. Helen, who is in love with Blake, refuses to leave him and instead nurses him until he is healed and healthy. As the movie ends, the elder Jardine accepts Blake as his step son and Carmino returns back to her native island.


Critics praised the movie for its filming during the underwater fighting scene between Blake and Jardine, an impressive technological feat at the time the movie was made, as well for its lavish sets. What also caught Critics eyes was the polo match that was organized by the hosts of the garden party that featured a team of barefoot blondes wearing one piece bathing suits playing a team of brunettes attired in the same manner. Fun fact, the director (George Fitzmaurice) said that after the movie was completed, he was shocked about the athleticism of brunettes compared to the blonde women whom he had long regarded as athletically superior to dark haired women.


Due to no copies left over in any film archives, the movie is considered a lost film.


