
From The Lost Media Wiki
Revision as of 21:32, 28 July 2024 by Dacta (talk | contribs)
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"I am a superstar, with a big big house and a big big car,

I am a superstar, and I don't care who you are!"


Hey there! I'm Dacta! I use he/they pronouns! I've been into lost media since 2020, but just now I've created my account here, since there's nothing better than editing and creating stuff, am I right?

I'm Brazilian, so you might see me browsing through and/or editing articles from my country since we barely see stuff about it here. Vai Brasil hue.

I'm not very good with words normally, so I welcome any type of well intentioned edits to my articles! :)

Searches in Progress

None... for now.

Searches Found

The stupid, goofy Doki Games (FOUND).

Articles I've Created

None... yet.

Articles I've Edited

# Article Notes
1 Recreio (partially found contents of children's site) I added the images of the mentioned lost series within the article! Though one of the image links is broken... Oh man. Also I think that lost printed series should have its own article, and not be along with the website article? Anyway.
2 Talk to Me (partially found unreleased Xuxa album; 1994) I added the content table, clarifying which songs are lost and which are found! Yay!

Where else can you find me?

Uh. I'd rather not link all of my other social medias since I don't wanna mix my internet persona with Me just trying to do Serious Stuff for once. Sorry!

What I can share though is my Discord! You can always shoot me a message about the articles I've edited/created or if you have any information about media I've been looking for! I'm princedacta