The Best of the Worst (found predecessor/prototype of Eddsworld webcomics series; 2004)

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TheBestoftheWorst Card.jpg

Art for the comic, drawn by Edd.

Status: Found

Date found: 14 Oct 2024

Found by: Eddvault

The Best of the Worst (formerly, The Legacy of Tom and Edd) was a webcomic series created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) in 2004, the comics were most likely a predecessor/prototype for what later became the official Eddsworld comics. Previously, the only comics available online were comics 1, 2, and 6. Comics 3, 4, 5, and 7 were found by Eddvault on October 14, 2024.

This webcomic should not be confused with a short-lived 1991 Fox TV show with the same name.


The Best of the Worst #1 consisted of Edd shouting “Oh my god! My hair is on fire!” and Tom responding with “Oh my god! A squirrel” the final panel shows a squirrel and Edd growling at tom.

The Best of the Worst #2 started with Tom saying, “for Halloween, let’s dress-up as the scariest thing ever”. The second panel shows Edd and Tom applying masks and the final panel shows Edd wearing a Tom mask and Tom wearing a mask of Edd. Edd responds with “So this is what we think of one another”.

The Best of the Worst #3 started with Edd complaining to Tom. "Tom, you have been on the computer for 54 hours. Can I go on yet?" The second panel shows an expression of tense (or anger, difficult to tell), ending the 3rd panel with Tom's arm coming off.

The Best of the Worst #4 started with Tom saying "OMG WTF U LOZAH !!1!", with Edd replying in panel 3 "What the hell?". Panel 4, Tom says "STFU NOOB!", with Edd inquiring on what a noob is. The comic ends with Tom calling Edd a "J00" the going "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" in Edd's face, while he wonders what on earth he just witnessed.

The Best of the Worst #5 started with Tom checking around to make sure no one was watching him. Unfortunately, Edd caught Tom taking off his hair to scratch his bald head, with a might "I KNEW IT!" from Edd in the final panel.

The Best of The Worst #6 started with Edd saying, "We're lost aren't we?" The second panel shows Tom exclaiming "Nonsense! I know this place like the back of my hand!", lifting his arm up to reveal his hand is missing. In the third panel, Edd asks what happened to Tom's hand, and in the final panel Tom replies, "I thought I felt a draft".

The Best of the Worst #7 starts with Edd and Tom discovering an alien. "Wow!" says Edd. "An alien! We have to say something that would make a good first impression!". Tom thinks this over before saying "Sup." in panel 3. The alien takes offence to this and zaps Tom with a laser gun.


The seven comics were originally posted to the Eddsworld website in November of 2004; however, they were removed following a redesign in mid-to-late 2005. After this, the only comic available online was #2, which Edd posted to DeviantArt the same day he drew it. Edd reposted the first comic to his Tumblr in 2011, and #6 was later shown in the 2016 documentary 'The Eddsworld Legacy'.

On October 14, 2024, the remaining lost comics were posted to Eddvault.

