
From The Lost Media Wiki
Revision as of 08:42, 10 November 2016 by Dycaite (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to The Lost Media Wiki!

This wiki is a community passion project where we detail and attempt to track down (at least, in most cases) pieces of lost or hard to find media; whether it be video, audio or otherwise (of either a fictional or non-fictional nature), if it's completely lost or simply inaccessible to the general public, it belongs here.

Breaking off from its original Wikia hosting, the site was moved to its own, independent host (the process of which was initiated in late 2014 and concluded in mid 2015) and has been steadily growing since its humble beginnings. We encourage any and all connoisseurs of obscure media to join in and contribute; the more the merrier. Happy searching!

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Notice board


Martin Shkreli streaming "Entrance (Intro)" and a portion of "Rivals".

Martin Shkreli streaming a second portion of "Rivals".

Lost Media Chronicles Episode 32 - Where The Wild Things Are.

Well, no chirpy attitude from me today; this is probably gunna be the most bittersweet notice board post I'll ever have to write.

As you will all no doubt be aware by now, Donald Trump IS going to be the 45th President of the United States.

What does this have to do with lost media, you ask? Remember Martin Shkreli, that spoiled brat of a pharmaceutical businessman who rose to infamy after increasing a HIV treatment's price by 5,000%? Well, he is also known as being the sole owner of the one and only copy of Wu-Tang Clan's double album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin (sold exclusively to the highest bidder, ie. Shkreli, in 2015, for a record breaking two million dollars).

Shkreli recently tweeted that, were Trump to win the presidency, he would release his entire unreleased music collection (including, amongst other highly prized rarities, the infamous Wu-Tang double album), online, for free. He has since followed through (to a point) by livestreaming Shaolin’s intro track in its entirety, as well as two portions of the second track, all of which can be heard above.

Whether or not he actually follows through on his initial promise (which, assuming his collection truly is as vast as he claims, would be a pretty momentous occasion) remains to be seen, but if there's one silver lining in all of this, it's that we'll all be able to enjoy some sweet lost media while the world burns.

Finally, on a note of which I can confidently say I AM 100% happy to report, Randy has released a new episode of the Lost Media Chronicles and it's one of his best yet! Check it out above for some much needed escapism.

P.S. Don't take my pessimism too seriously, just trying to lighten things in this dark situation; chin up, America.


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