
From The Lost Media Wiki
Revision as of 11:47, 21 November 2016 by Dycaite (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to The Lost Media Wiki!

This wiki is a community passion project where we detail and attempt to track down (at least, in most cases) pieces of lost or hard to find media; whether it be video, audio or otherwise (of either a fictional or non-fictional nature), if it's completely lost or simply inaccessible to the general public, it belongs here.

Breaking off from its original Wikia hosting, the site was moved to its own, independent host (the process of which was initiated in late 2014 and concluded in mid 2015) and has been steadily growing since its humble beginnings. We encourage any and all connoisseurs of obscure media to join in and contribute; the more the merrier. Happy searching!

Lmwtan.png Some articles on this wiki contain NSFW/NSFL content and have been marked as such.

Please browse with caution!

Notice board

UPDATE 2.51! (Added 21 Nov 2016)

TheGamerFromMars' A Day With SpongeBob SquarePants video.

Hey guys, dycaite here with a couple of cool updates, the first of which relates to some NSFL subject matter - you have been warned:

First up, the missing footage (2 hours worth) from the Ricardo Lopez "Bjork stalker" tapes have been found! Big thanks to Zeus at DeathAddict for the provision of both the streamable, watermarked version (seen above), as well as the unwatermarked source file, available here via MEGA. Thanks also go out to bun39, for tipping me off about the unearthed footage, getting me in touch with Zeus and for mirroring the source file. I am currently in the process of ripping my own DVD copies of the rest of the footage and finally getting those up for you guys (sorry it's taken me so long, Australian internet is only just coming out of the dark ages), so that we will finally have a complete collection (all 22 hours), in the best possible quality, so keep an eye out for those in the coming weeks.

Secondly, I just wanted to give a quick mention to a great video that TheGamerFromMars recently did on A Day With SpongeBob SquarePants. The video (co-written by our very own BedHead Bernie) is arguably the best on the topic to date, so be sure to check it out above.

That's all for now, take it easy guys!


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