The Return of the Lone Ranger (lost pilot of failed television series; 1961)

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The Return of The Lone Ranger is a attempt at filming a Lone Ranger segment for independant distribution but according to some sources, it was to be a tv pilot. It has been rightly pointed out by some that at the reputed time of filming the Clayton Moore series was still enjoying success as a syndicated series, therefore it would have been unlikely that the network would have tried to resurrect the character so short on the heals of the Clayton Moore series. The argument is substantiated by a newspaper clipping stating that there are no plans on shooting another season of the Lone Ranger series. 

The claim that it is independant in origin is substatiated by a search initiated on Yahoo answers whereby the person states that he is searching for the film on behalf of Tex Hill. The man reputed to have been cast as the lone ranger in this production. The post states that the production company was "sixgun productions", according to IMDB the production comany was "sundown productions', however this is unlikely as their other productions seems to have been in 2007 and 2008, details on those productions are equally as sketchy. The Yahoo answers post also states that the producer was one "Bill Bryant". 


IMDB page

Yahoo answers request

Forum with the argument against it being a TV pilot.

Television Obscurities post