Bunyip (partially found Australian animated TV series; 1987-1990)
Bunyip is a 1987 Australian animated series created by Anne Jollifee. The series originally aired in Australia on ABC TV from 1987 to presumably 1990 and was later distributed in the UK, where it aired on BBC1 from November 1988 to October 1993. This factor makes it one of the longer-lasting cartoons on that channel until being replaced with something else. Each episode was 5 minutes in length, a quarter of the usual time a cartoon would go for at the time, and the animation was done in-house, presumably by Anne Jollifee herself, instead of being outsourced to another animation studio.
The bunyip was a small yellow creature with 2 legs, 2 arms, and a long neck, which was contrary to the reported "actual" look of the creature. She would usually be seen sitting around, relaxing on a leaf in the river. However, another Australian animal would show up, being heard by the bunyip. She then engages with the other animal and attempts to solve a problem both of them are having.[1]
Known Episodes
Due to the lack of information on the show's episodes, this list may be incomplete, or the episode may be out of order.
Episode Title | Status |
Bunyip and the Dingo | Found |
Bunyip and the Bight | Found |
Bunyip and the Platypus | Found |
Bunyip and the Kookaburra | Found |
Bunyip and the Bandicoot | Found |
Bunyip and the Wood Nymph | Found |
Bunyip and the Wombat | Found |
Bunyip and the Possum | Found |
Bunyip and the Lyrebird | Found |
Bunyip and the Boomeroo | Found |
Bunyip's Birthday | Partially found |
Only one home video release of this cartoon is known to exist, a VHS tape released in Australia in 1991 by ABC Video, which featured 10 episodes. The opening to the tape has been uploaded online, but not the full tape itself. However, a home recording of the episode "Bunyip and the Boomeroo" was uploaded to YouTube on March 22nd, 2019, by Showsni.