A building in the background

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I was the one that updated the article with the info about the location this film was filmed at.

I live in Warsaw my whole life (with my family). I found out about this film from YouTube video.

Today I thought to myself - "I wonder where exactly was it filmed". So I went to my father, who is an expert in identifying photos, where were they taken etc. We went through all the buildings that are and were back then in Łazienki, but nothing looked anything similar to what is being shown here.

My father had another thought, that it is in Dolina Szwajcarska (Swiss Valley), which also is/was in Warsaw and is located near Łazienki. The reason he though about it was that the Warsaw Ice Skating Society is known from making slides there (not in Łazienki, but they could do something there as well). I read that the 8th movie that Kazimierz Prószyński filmed was called "Ślizgawka w Dolinie Szwajcarskiej" (https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazimierz_Pr%C3%B3szy%C5%84ski, under "Filmy"), so I told my father it is not possible, because he filmed a different movie there. But I told him to show me the building that is there anyway....

...and this is it. It is not in Łazienki, but in Dolina Szwajcarska (look at the 7th picture here https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolina_Szwajcarska).

I know this doesn't help in the search or anything, but it is an interesting fact.

And... I also know that in the article from back in the day it was called "Ślizgawka w Łazienkach"... but maybe it was not? Press can - and does - a lot of mistakes. Maybe this was "Ślizgawka w Dolinie Szwajcarskiej", but they changed the name in the article by mistake? Well, we never are going to find out...