The Cure for Insomnia (lost 87-hour-long experimental film; 1987)

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Picture of L.D. Groban.

Status: Lost

The Cure For Insomnia is an 87-hour-long film directed by the late John Henry Timmis IV. At the time of the film's release in 1987, it was recognized by Guinness World Records as the longest film ever created.[1]

The film consists of actor L.D. Groban reading a 4080-page poem (Titled "A Cure for Insomnia") spliced with heavy metal music and pornography.[2][3] The film was made to cure insomniacs by reprogramming their biological clocks. The film was shown at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago Illinois, and it ran from January 31st to February 3rd. The film was never released in home video format and all copies of the film are believed to be lost.

The current IMDb page for the film has 2 user reviews, one from May 1st, 2002 by user langstar1 (user has no posts past 2003) actually reviewing the movie and one from April 4th, 2019 by user nbechtol (Nancy Bechtol) mourning the passing of L.D. Groban. However, the page has a link that leads to the four-letter film review site with the latest review being written on January 28th, 2012 by user BaftaBaby (user has no posts past 2014). There are 11 Google audience reviews where five people have written posts claiming to have seen the movie with the most recent being on March 31st, 2019, however, the authenticity of these claims has yet to be confirmed.

There is an ongoing thread dedicated to finding the film on the camen design forum created by user Martijn starting on July 31st, 2011 with the most recent post being on April 6th, 2019.

On September 20th, 2023, a user on the forum dedicated to finding the film posted a link to a January 25th/February 1st, 1992 episode of This Week in Joe's Basement, which showed a brief clip of Groban reading a passage from the poem. This wasn’t footage from the actual film, however, and constitutes of a few seconds of footage from an angle that doesn't focus directly on the clip itself, and the characters begin to fast forward the clip not even a minute into watching it. The clip begins at roughly 11 minutes.


An interview with Lee (L.D.) Groban uploaded by YouTuber "madpalX" (real name Nancy Bechtol).


  1. "The Longest Movies Ever Made". Orange Coast Magazine. May 1989. p. 176
  2. Felton, Bruce (2003). What Were They Thinking?: Really Bad Ideas Throughout History. The Lyons Press. p. 96.
  3. Belardes, Nick (2014). A People's History of the Peculiar: A Freak Show of Facts, Random Obsessions and Astounding Truths. Viva Editions. p. 154.

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