The Garfield Show "Rodent Rebellion" (found animated television special; 2016)
The Garfield Show was a computer-animated television series adapted from the Garfield comic strip that was produced by Dargaud Media and aired on Cartoon Network and Boomerang from 2009 to 2016, lasting 5 seasons.[1] The featured voice cast included Frank Welker as Garfield, Wally Wingert as Jon Arbuckle, Gregg Berger as Odie and Jason Marsden as Nermal.
The fifth season consisted entirely of a four-part episode titled "Rodent Rebellion",[2] which entailed Garfield, Odie, and Nermal having to defend the town from an uprising of rats who are stealing everyone's belongings and framing Jon Arbuckle for it.
Following the series ending in 2016, every episode of The Garfield Show has resurfaced somewhere online except for the "Rodent Rebellion" special, which had not been re-aired since its original airing and had not been given a home media release of any kind. Netflix, for example, has the first four seasons available for viewing, but to date does not include the "Rodent Rebellion" special.[3]
For a while, the "Rodent Rebellion" special's availability online was limited to the French, Russian, Czech, Greek and Romanian dubs of the special being uploaded on YouTube. with the official trailer for the special initially being the only readily available trace of the special's English audio.
A recording of the special with the English audio was eventually uploaded on the YouTube channel vincells on June 11th, 2021.
On December 28, 2022, the official YouTube channel of The Garfield Show would upload the English version of the special in its entirety .
See Also
- Garfield "Bound For Home" (lost build of cancelled Nintendo DS game based on comic strip; existence unconfirmed; 2005)
- Garfield: The Lost Levels (lost Sega Channel exclusive levels of Sega Genesis game based on comic strip; mid-1990s)
- Garfield and Friends (found original "U.S. Acres" title cards of CBS animated series based on comic strip; 1988-1994)
- Garfield and Friends "Screaming With Binky" (partially lost segments from animated series; 1988-1990)
- Garfield's Judgment Day (partially found production material from cancelled animated special based on comic strip; late 1980s-early 1990s)
- Garfield's World Ego Tour (lost live-action special based on comic strip; 2003)
- Gnorm Gnat (found Jim Davis comic strip; 1973-1975)
- Jon (found prototype "Garfield" comic strip; 1976-1978)
- Lasagna Cat (partially found unreleased/prototype episodes of "Garfield" parody web series; 2008-2017)
- The Garfield Shorts (partially found animated television shorts; 2009-2012)
- ↑
- ↑ Mark Evanier's blog post confirming "Rodent Rebellion" makes up the entirety of The Garfield Show's fifth season. Retrieved 25 May '21
- ↑ Entry on Flixable confirming that the Netflix release of The Garfield Show does not include the fifth season.] Retrieved 26 May '21