Kanye West iPod Nano Keynote Performance (lost footage of Apple special performance from American rapper; 2005)

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Kanye West 2005 iPod Nano Keynote Performance

Status: Lost

Tags: apple kanye west

In 2005, Apple held a special event at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, where Steve Jobs introduced Kanye West to perform at the launch of the iPod Nano. At the time, Kanye was a rising star in the music world, having just released his first album, "The College Dropout." This performance was a big deal because it brought together two influential people: Steve Jobs from the tech world and Kanye West from the music industry. However, the performance didn’t go as planned. The audience, mostly made up of tech professionals and journalists who didn’t know much about Kanye’s music, didn’t respond well. Kanye performed his songs "Gold Digger" and "All Falls Down," but the crowd didn’t seem interested, and the atmosphere felt awkward.

Originally, the video of the event included Kanye’s performance, but Apple later removed it from the official recording. This likely happened because the company wanted to keep the event’s image clean and professional, and the poor audience reaction didn’t fit that image. Now, only a few photos and stories from people who were there remain, making the video footage lost media. Over the years, fans of both Apple and Kanye have become more curious about this missing video, seeing it as a unique moment in both Steve Jobs’ and Kanye West’s careers.

Despite many attempts to find the footage, it remains lost, adding to the mystery and making it a fascinating piece of lost media. The event is a reminder of how two very different worlds—technology and music—came together in an unexpected way, and how sometimes things don’t go as smoothly as planned.




Steve Jobs introduces iPod nano & Motorola ROKR - Apple Special Music Event 2005 (Kanye West Performance Missing)