To Catch a Predator (partially found chatlogs, uncut interviews and police interrogations of Dateline NBC reality series; 2004-2007): Difference between revisions

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To Catch a Predator logo

Status: Partially Found

To Catch a Predator (also abbreviated to TCAP) is a hidden camera investigation series broadcast on the TV news program Dateline NBC from 2004-2007. The premise involved host Chris Hansen confronting adult men arriving at a stinghouse with the intent to have sex with underage teens, following an often-graphic online conversation with the child. In reality, the "minors" were adult decoys from the online watchdog group Perverted Justice, who would establish online profiles of underage individuals that would wait for adults to initiate a conversation with them. Twelve investigations were conducted, resulting in the arrests and convictions for the majority of men that arrived at the stinghouses. Since then, fans of the show have sought out the chatlogs, uncut Hansen interviews and uncut police interrogations involving these men, with these media being coveted among TCAP enthusiasts.


Chatlogs are the first point of contact between a potential predator and a Perverted Justice decoy. Perverted Justice volunteers would create fake profiles pretending to be underage teens interested in sex, across multiple notable chatrooms, including MSN, AOL and Yahoo!, and wait for adults to contact them.[1] Upon receiving contact with a potential predator, the chatlogs are recorded, where most chats will swiftly turn towards meeting up for sex. Many of the predators would describe in graphic detail what they wanted to do with the decoys, while also sending pornographic pictures to them. The chatlogs were already enough to incriminate most predators, which depending on the state, could see them be charged with a misdemeanour or a felony.[2] In the first two stings for Dateline NBC, Perverted Justice immediately posted the chatlogs upon successful busts.

However, when police were involved from the Riverside sting onwards, the watchdog would only post chatlogs where a conviction was achieved, taking down all pre-2006 chats where convictions were not made as part of the Information First scheme.[3] Nevertheless, all chatlogs from Bethpage and Fairfax are accessible through Web Archive, while because most predators were ultimately convicted in the other stings, their chatlogs are still accessible on the Perverted Justice website to the present day. However, some chatlogs were never published, usually when an acquittal has occurred, while others were not published because some predators absconded prior to convictions.

After agreeing online to meet in person, the predator would then enter the stinghouse, only to be confronted by Chris Hansen. Often, the broadcast of the segment would be edited for the sake of brevity and for entertainment purposes. Nevertheless, uncut footage would sometimes be accessible. Most notably, most uncut Riverside and Ohio interviews were published on MSNBC, which was NBC's digital subscriber service.[4] While these clips can no longer be accessed on MSNBC, some have resurfaced on YouTube. Others remain missing as of the present day.

Finally, highlights of police interrogations were also shown in some broadcasts, often being the last piece of media featuring a highlighted predator. Of those that have been found, most originate from the Greenville, Flagler Beach and Bowling Green stings, and were obtained thanks to FOIA requests.[5] Whereas some clips from other stings were included in the television broadcasts, others, including Bethpage NY, have never been publicly released in any form.

Bethpage, New York

The first sting was conducted in May 2004, which saw 19 men show up over a period of three days.[6] Perverted Justice and Dateline NBC had not yet teamed with police to conduct a parallel investigation, and so all bar Ryan Hogan, a New York City Fire Department member, were not arrested following their busts. Hogan would later be arrested and convicted,[7] although his police interrogation video has never surfaced online. Another predator in this sting Matt Dooley aka Darkhero a paranoid schizophrenic guy was the only predator to not have their identity shown on tv and almost got charged. This was due to his past criminal history however he was given a deal where he could just go back to the mental institution and avoid charges which he did. Years later he would go on Joey's tcap channel in an interview and to try to explain his appearance on the show but instead just rants about conspiracy theories. No uncut Hansen confrontations have leaked, but because Perverted Justice published all chatlogs immediately following the sting, they are all accessible on archived versions of its website. Since this was datelines first sting with no police and some of these predators lived in NYC and is hard to do background checks their last names are unknown since there is very little public data except for Dooley and Hogan obviously as well as Steve Reddington the first predator ever caught by Chris Hansen and Musti Quotiza the second predator through background checks were they lived.

Predator Chatlog
Eddie Found
Craig Found
Esteban Found
Mike Found
Musti Quotiza Found
Steve Reddington Found
Matt "Darkhero" Dooley Found
Ryan Hogan Found
Alex Found
John Found
Paul Found
Anthony Found
Greg Found
Mike Found
Rich Found
Jason Found
Brian Found
Taylor Found
Ron Found

Fairfax, Virginia

The Fairfax, Virginia sting was conducted in November 2005. Over three days, another 19 men showed up. Among them include David Kaye, a Rabbi; Steven Bennof, a special education teacher; Dr. Jeffery Beck, an emergency room and paediatric doctor; Joe Wunderler, an Army Sergeant who also planned to commit bestiality on a dog; and John Kennelly, who not only entered the house naked but also set up another meeting with an underage boy a day later.

Controversy did arise, as Fairfax County police were reluctant to arrest any of the predators. However, pressure from Perverted Justice meant that the majority who were featured in the episode were charged and convicted.[8] With the exception of Doctor Beck since his chatlog was much less sexually explicit than the others but did have his medical license suspended and through medical board searches appears his licnese is still revoked to this day. However the other predators with full segments were successfully charged as along with two unaired predators. John Kennelly as well as an unaired predator Mark Baggette an extremely good looking former football player one of the runners seen in the beginning of the episode who like Kennelly showed up not once but twice and drunk the first time at the sting house. However his sex offender registry has not been updated for for years which may mean he was expunged of that charge. Aladdin Shamoun also was charged with the Fairfax police but he absconded presumably back to his native country Egypt to avoid an arrest and prosecution. The military also played a big role in arresting two predators from this sting Joe Wunderler and an unaired predator Dennis Thomas a navy engineer both of whom were convicted served time and are sex offenders to this day. Since Rabbi David Kaye and Steven Bennof crossed state/district lines and they were high profiled people they also were charged and convicted with the FBI.

As before, all chatlogs were immediately posted on the Perverted Justice website and can be accessed through Web Archive links with the exception of unaired predator Harold Higley (who later got arrested convicted for not in connection to the 2005 but a later sting in 2012) for reasons unknown. In addition, Rabbi David Kaye's uncut Hansen confrontation was uploaded to YouTube on October 30th, 2008, and currently remains as the only uncut Fairfax interview that is publicly accessible.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation
Aladdin Shamoun Found Lost
Joe Wunderler Found Lost
Steven Bennof Found Lost
Dr. Jeffrey Beck Found Lost
Rabbi David Kaye Found Found
John Kennelly Found (both chatlogs) Lost (both encounters)
Yonas Getachew Found Lost
Mark Baggette Found Lost (both nights)
Dennis Thomas Found Lost
Harold Higley Lost Lost
Arpit "umbrella guy" Maheshwari Found Lost
John Phillip Jarrell Found Lost
Amir Ferahani Found Lost
Timothy Andrew "Andy" Kane Found Lost
Artie Makepeace Found Lost
Sean/Kamphon Akkrawong Found Lost
Evan Matthew Frank Found Lost

Riverside, California

The Riverside, California sting was conducted in January 2006 and saw a record 51 men arrive at the house over three days. This was the first sting to feature direct police involvement and thus saw the arrests of 50 men. One was released without charge due to appearing alongside Sebastian Rodriguez. As it was the latter who initiated the chatlog, only he was charged and later convicted. Among notable predators who featured in the Riverside, sting includes Walter Babst, a high school teacher; Daniel Allen, who was previously convicted of spousal abuse; Joseph Federico, who was previously convicted of manslaughter; as well as Chris Urban who came to the house high on meth and a few who were already registered sex offenders, including Robert Lyons, Jean Pierre Wehry, Gregory Karnos, and Thomas Bodnar.[9]

As the chatlogs were used in a pending police investigation, they would not be published unless a conviction was made. In all, 48 were convicted, with William Lawrence Havey having been found not guilty,[10] and Charles Harding having died in jail as a result of not taking his medication. The majority of chatlogs are accessible on Perverted Justice's website as of the present day, including Harding's as part of "Other Resolutions" seeing as he had neither been convicted nor acquitted.[11] However, the chatlogs of Kurt Lemke, Chris Moore remain inaccessible to this day which is unknown why. Thomas Bodnar's chatlog was thought to be missing too since it is not on the successful convictions list on perverted justice website but is accessible through an archive version of the website. Jean Pierre Wehry's unique email conversation with the decoy was also not published but would be uploaded to YouTube by Joey's TCAP Channel on May 26th, 2017.

While no police interrogations are currently accessible, some uncut Hansen confrontations are viewable as they were included as part of the MSNBC subscription service, being uploaded to YouTube years later. In late 2015/early 2016, almost all To Catch a Predator content was purged from the platform by NBC filing copy right complaints. Although most of the material was re uploaded years later, some have been taken down a second time due to YouTube's policy against harassment and bullying. Evidence through internet searches points that Abraham Koujababian and Erik Pallesen uncut interviews were once available but has been lost to this day.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation
Kurt Lemke Lost Found
Walter Babst Found Found
Scott Smith Found Lost
Jerry Griffitt Found Found
Christopher Moore Lost Found
Steven Coates Found Lost
Daniel Pulido Found Found
Keith Williams Found Found
Erik Pallesen Found Lost
Michael Burks Found N/A
Sebastian Rodriguez Found Found
Christopher Urban Found Lost
Paul Constantinescu Found Lost
Inderjeet Singh Found Lost
Charles Harding Found Found
Roberto Forte Found Found
Abraham Koujababian Found Lost
Daniel Allen Found Found
Joseph Federico Found N/A
Robert Lyons Found Found
Jean Pierre Wehry Found Found
Gregory Karnos Found Found
Thomas Bodnar Found Found


In addition to the predators who were featured in the main televised broadcast, some uncut interviews of unfeatured men were published on MSNBC which included Danny Swinney and Eduardo Gullien. It is suspected thanks to analysing data from currently inaccessible Web Archive pages of MSNBC that additional uncut interviews featuring other unaired predators were indeed available, but have not resurfaced since.[12][13][14][15] A decent of the unaired predators were waiting in the car and were arrested immediately just like Michael Burks' arrest so they never had a Chris Hansen interview. Miguel Sosa also showed up a week late for the sting and therefore no interview for him exist either. As for chatlogs, all but Hyung Paek's Daryl Meledy and William Havey’s are accessible, Paek having absconded prior to his trial , Havey beating his case , and Meledy for unknown reasons.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation
Corey Ahia Found Partially Found
Rafiullah Ahmadi Found Found
Richer Breault Found Found
Nicolas Cocos Found Partially Found
Andre Jackson Found Found
Jerry Kosis Found Found
Hyung "Eddie" Paek Lost Found
Michael Seibert (1st) Found Found
Gilbert Sutherland Found Found
John Christopher Weaver Found Found
Victor Wells Found Lost
Danny Swinney Found Lost
Daryl Meledy Lost Lost
Hoi Dick "Eddie" Chan Found Lost
Eduardo Gullien Found Lost
Eric Gamonal Found N/A
Jonathan Daniel Vasquez Found Lost
Jorge Colorado Found N/A
Singh Karampal Nakai Found N/A
Miguel Sosa Found N/A
Mitchell Rhodes Hayek Found N/A
Phillip Jaruhungsin Found Lost
Spencer Cho Found N/A
William Havey Lost N/A
Alvin Hall jr. Found Lost
Greg Diederich Found N/A
John Mahon Found Lost

Greenville, Ohio

The Greenville, Ohio sting was conducted in March 2006 and saw seventeen men be arrested over a three-day period.[16] Among notable predators include James Rutherford, a teacher[17]; and Kevin Westerbeck, who not only was set to go to prison a day after the sting as he had previously been convicted for appearing at an earlier sting but also would later be convicted for sexually abusing his underage niece.[18] All men who showed up were convicted, and thus their chatlogs are accessible on the Perverted Justice website. Additionally, some uncut interviews and police interrogations would be uploaded to MSNBC, and eventually be re-uploaded to YouTube. Others were previously available on MSNBC based on Web Archive data but currently remain missing.[19][20][21]

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation Uncut Police Interrogation
Alonzo Wade Found Lost Lost
Nathan Downhour Found Lost Found
Jason Schoeppner Found Found Lost
Timothy Isaac Found Lost Lost
Davut Ozkan Found Found Found
Josh Tuttle Found Lost Lost
John Frantz Found Lost Lost
Ronnelle Stephens-Tun Found Lost Lost
James Rutherford Found Found Found
Jay Reffner Found Lost Found
Roger Brummitt Found Lost Lost
Kenneth Brinkman Found Found Found
Jeffery Stacy Found Found Found
Robb Kline Found Lost Found
Glenn Mitchell Found N/A Lost
Kevin Westerbeck Found Found Found


Nineteen-year-old Nicolas Bailey also showed up and ended up being convicted. His chatlog and uncut Hansen interview are currently accessible, but his uncut police interrogation has never been publicly seen. Twenty-seven-year-old Mahadevaswamy Chandrashekaraiah (known as "some guy with a really long name who showed in Ohio) is one of the most elusive predators featured on the show. Appearing only in snippets during the court proceedings, his chat log is available, but his uncut interview and police interrogation are inaccessible, although he can be heard being interrogated in the background of Kenneth Brinkman's interrogation.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation Uncut Police Interrogation
Nicolas Bailey Found Found Lost
Mahadevaswamy Chandrashekaraiah Found Lost Partially Found (Audio), Lost (Video)

Fort Myers, Florida

The Fort Myers, Florida sting was conducted in April 2006. Over three days, 24 men between the ages of 21 to 61 were arrested.[22] Among notable predators include Clifford Wallach, who brought his five-year-old son with him to the stinghouse;[23] and Marvin Lakhan, who entered the house naked and wanted a girl to commit bestiality on a cat.[24]

Of the men arrested, three would be acquitted. These included Michael Wilusz and Brian Gosselin, whose attorneys demanded Perverted Justice's hard drives for a court-ordered inspection, with the organization refusing to comply and thus allowing Wilusz and Gosselin to walk free. Meanwhile, Thomas Moffitt was acquitted because his attorney successfully convinced the jury that since Moffitt did not enter the house and was "trying to leave", he had not committed a crime. David Schumacher also had his charges dropped since when the FBI wanted to take over his case since he had another case and charges pending against him for GTA he was given a plea deal to plead guilty to the original charges however a mistake on perverted justice website showed his chatlog on PJ website claiming he was charged with assault for connection with the chat but that is simply not true. [25] The remaining predators were convicted, with their chatlogs published on the website. The chatlogs of Wilusz and Gosselin would later be found and reuploaded as part of a Google Drive file, but Moffitt's remains missing. No uncut interview footage nor police interrogations have ever been released publicly for this sting except for David Schumacher uncut Hansen interview.

It is also worth mentioning two unaired/non full segmented predators Brian Emmons a Sunday School teacher and Peter Ernandez a mental health consoler for teen both of whom are considered huge missed opportunities by the tcap fandom for their jobs but as with the aired and other unaired predators their chatlogs are available too.

Predator Chatlog Uncut interaction
Michael Wilusz Found lost
David Schumacher Found Found
Dennis Ramsey Found Lost
Thomas Moffitt Lost Lost
Ellahzar Henson Found Lost
Fredi Fernandez Found Lost
Jose "Pepe" Falcon Found Lost
Thomas Coffen Found Lost
Eric Thornton Found Lost
Donald Morrison Found Lost
Clifford Wallach Found Lost
Raul Brenes Found Lost
Brian Gosselin Found Lost
Kenneth Forton Found Lost
Elias Bailon Found Lost
Lee Greer Found Lost
Ryan McIntosh Found Lost
Dallas Lee Found Lost
Thomas Campbell Found Lost
Marvin Lakhan Found Lost
Peter Ernandez Found Lost
Brian Emmons Found Lost
Daniel Trust Found Lost
Miguel Luiz Lozoya Found Lost

Fortson, Georgia

The Fortson, Georgia sting was conducted in July 2006 and saw 20 men be arrested over several days.[26] Among them included Cody Green, who later faced additional charges for indecently exposing himself to an eight-year-old girl at a swimming pool;[27] and Rolando Restocruz, an Iraqi war veteran.[28] With the exception of Abhilash Bhaskaran, who absconded prior to his trial,[29] all the predators were convicted, and thus their chatlogs were published on Perverted Justice's website.

Although no full police interrogations have ever resurfaced online and almost all uncut confrontations are lost, Cody Green's uncut confrontation has been partially recovered, having been unnoticed on YouTube for years since its original upload on 15 December 2015 by a user called X0AliciaX0.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation
Denis Coulson Found Lost
Christopher Cannon Found Lost
John Adam Daniels Found Lost
Matthew Cogburn Found Lost
George Cleary Found Lost
Peter Sciacca Found Lost
Jim Klein Found Lost
Cody Green Found Partially Found
Marvin Harrison Smith Found Lost
David Hilbish Found Lost
Reymundo Anguiano Found Lost
Todd West Found Lost
William Rowell Found Lost
Gerald White Found Lost
Brian Lindsey Found Lost
Marshall Girtman Found Lost
Rolando Restocruz Found Lost
Joseph Myrick Found Lost
Abhilash Bhaskaran Lost Lost
Jacob Cason Found Lost

Petaluma, California

The Petaluma, California sting was conducted in August 2006 and saw 31 men arrested over three days. Among them include Piedmont physician and cancer research specialist Dr. Maurice Wolin; and Joseph Roisman, a Navy sailor who would ultimately be acquitted because the Judge accused Dateline NBC and Perverted Justice of entrapment.[30][31] Thus, Roisman's chatlog was never published, though many others would. The chatlogs of Pulkit Mathur and Kanishk Lakhanpal also went unpublished since, the Lakhanpal was not charged due to lack of sexual intent in his chatlog as noted in the episode.[32]and Mathur absconded most likely back to his native country. Another unaired predator Gopichand Pai chatlog also was only partially found since there is an excerpt of what he said to the decoy on perverted justices' website since unlike Mathur was actually convicted since he went to trial but like Mathur he absconded before the sentencing. Nunna's chatlog is also not currently available for unknown reasons.[33] No uncut interview footage has resurfaced online.

Previously, no uncut police interrogations were available. However, prominent TCAP enthusiast HEY PEPE!!! received contact from a Petaluma source who revealed they had copies of some interrogations. Said source explained that most have since become lost to time. Nevertheless, on 2nd May 2023, Wolin's full interrogation was uploaded to YouTube, followed by Mathur's on 13th May. Lakhanpal's interrogation was partially uploaded on 19th May, with the rest also having become inaccessible overtime. Finally, HEY PEPE!!! uploaded Vaikunth Soundarajan's interrogation on 26th May. He later confirmed on the Temple of TCAP forum that this was the last Petaluma interrogation he could obtain.[34]

Predator Chatlog Uncut Police Interrogation
Norberto Avalos Found Lost
Jonathan Stemen Found Lost
Mike Vestal Found Lost
Manuel Uson Found Lost
Vaikunth Soundarajan Found Found
Fernando Bernal Found Lost
Juan Henry Guzman Found Lost
Shaka Khan Found Lost
Steven Cartlidge Found Lost
Jeffrey Couture Found Lost
Mohammed Aksoum Found Lost
Jaime Mendieta Found Lost
Jaswinder Cheema Found Lost
Joseph Roisman Lost Lost
Yancy Wallace Found Lost
Anurag Tawari Found Lost
Chandra Nunna Lost Lost
Pulkit Mathur Lost Found
Kanishk Lakhanpal Lost Partially Found
Dr. Maurice Wolin Found Found
Gopichand Pai Partially Found Lost
Aminder Singh Found Lost
Jamie Mendieta Found Lost
Eugenio Peres Found Lost
John Craig Taylor Found Lost
Ernesto Linayao Found Lost
Thinh Tuong Ly Found Lost
Andrew Jordan Found Lost
David Fraser Found Lost
Bing Liang Found Lost

Long Beach, California

The Long Beach, California sting was conducted in September 2006 and saw 38 men arrested. Among notable predators include Michael Warrecker, who had a rape fetish;[35] and Michael Seibert, who had previously been caught in the Riverside sting.[36] All the men highlighted in the episode were ultimately convicted, with their chatlogs published on the Perverted Justice website. Additionally, a few uncut videos concerning the interviews of Warrecker, Paul Clemente, Seibert, Corye Blagg, Farzad Kalantari and Corey Edgar have also been uploaded to YouTube. However, with notable jumpcuts as well as some broadcasted footage not being included in the uncut videos, it is clear that not all of these Hansen confrontations have been found as of yet. No police interrogations have ever been made public for this sting. Three unaired predators were not charged and chatlogs have been lost. Some unaired predators it is unknown if they even had any sort of interaction with Chris or if they were arrested right away.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation
Michael Warrecker Found Partially Found
Matthew Bland Found N/A
Matthew Nash Found Lost
Selvin Galeano Found Lost
Paul Clemente Found Partially Found
Robert Salinas Found Lost
James Cisneros Found Lost
Robert Culbertson Found Lost
Justin Smith Found Lost
Qays Mahjoob Found Lost
Michael Seibert (2nd) Found Partially Found
Corye Blagg Found Partially Found
Farzad Kalantari Found Partially Found
Satinder Thind Found Lost
Josiah Walker Found Lost
Joshua Larios Found Lost
Maroof Farooq Found N/A. However, Farooq and another man sent in a fifteen-year-old to "scout" the area, where he was confronted by Hansen. This uncut confrontation is also lost.
Loren Hayden Found N/A
Alvin King Found N/A
Frank Sierras Found Lost
Brandon/Robert Williams Found N/A
Corey Edgar Found Partially Found
Luciano Dimas Found Lost
Aturo Chino Found Lost
Brandon Franklin Found Unknown
Anoosh Pajand Found N/A
Ramin Sarajari Found N/A
Ernesto Avila Found Unknown
David Frandsen Found Unknown
James Carlton Found Lost
Conrad "James" Valdez Found Unknown
Chris Reyes Found Lost
Jimmy Magtira Found Lost
Gabor Nagy Found Lost
Tanisorn "Moe" Lam Found Lost
Mario Martinez Lost Unknown
Uribe Lazo Lost Lost
Kevin Lasz Lost Lost

Murphy, Texas

The Murphy, Texas sting was conducted in November 2006 and saw 25 men being caught in the sting. The Murphy proved to be the most infamous and controversial in the show's history. Not only were many Murphy residents unhappy with Dateline NBC appearing in their town, to the point where some conducted a protest outside the stinghouse, but it also saw the suicide of Louis Conradt, an assistant district attorney following a botched arrest at his home.[37] Following the Conradt suicide, the Texas district attorney decided not to press charges for the predators caught in the sting.[38] Thus, very little media outside of the episodes themselves are publicly accessible.

Conradt's chatlog would later be published on the Perverted Justice website under "Other Resolutions",[39]. An unaired predator Asif Khokar also had his chatlog posted since he was the only predator in this sting to be convicted because a detective and the DA from his local district Harris County near Houston wanted to charge him and take over the cases that were not going to be prosecuted in Collin county in their district. The chatlog of Stanley Kendall, a teacher caught in the sting, would eventually be uploaded to YouTube by Joey's TCAP Channel on August 12th, 2019. Joey would also upload Edward Hollingsworth V's chatlog on October 14th, 2021. John Ed Baker's chat was recovered by The Skip Tracer on November 21st 2021. Additionally in 2022 Skip Tracer got the transcript of unaired predator Milan Mehta.

Predator Chatlog
Timothy Gilliam Lost
Randall Wolford Lost
Patrick Parr Lost
Justin Estes Lost
Sajjad Mohammad Lost
William Dow Lost
Alan Chernay Lost
Stanley Kendall Found
Christopher Cothrum Lost
Eric Rubalcava Lost
Timothy Knowles Lost
David Pann Lost
Edward Hollingsworth V Found
John Baker Found
Steve Rosello Lost
Louis Conradt Found
Asif Khokar Found
Milan Mehta Found
Samuel Tanguma Lost
Jose Soto Lost
Paulo Deassuncao Lost

Flagler Beach, Florida

The Flagler Beach, Florida sting was conducted in December 2006 and saw the arrests of 21 men over four days. Among them include James Wiles, who not only claimed that he could not have sex, but also admitted in his interrogation that he was previously accused of sexually abusing his own children; Safraz Khan and Yazan Asfour, who appeared at the stinghouse within five minutes of each other, and were thus interviewed together by Hansen; and Todd Spikes, an Alabama policeman who was found to have multiple guns in his car.[40] 18 would be convicted, with their chatlogs published on Perverted Justice's website. Wiles, Asfour and Mohammed Abdallah would later abscond,[41][42][43] with Wiles being re-arrested in November 2009,[44] only to die in 2010 before his trial because he refused to take his medications.[45] Thus, all three chatlogs were not published on Perverted Justice's website, but Wiles' chatlog would be uploaded to YouTube by Joey's TCAP Channel on August 25th, 2020.

Additionally, while no uncut Hansen interviews have ever resurfaced, all the Flagler Beach police interrogations, including the unaired predators Anthony Phillips and Stephen Hold, have been uploaded to YouTube by The Cappening Channel through freedom of information requests.[46] David Wagner did not speak to police, so no interrogation of his is believed to exist.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Police Interrogation
Mohammed Abdallah Lost Found
Brian Dory Found Found, Found
William Roach Found Found, Found
Deepak Bist Found Found, Found
Anthony Sorrentino Found Found, Found
David Wagner Found N/A
Charles Gregory Green Found Found, Found
Brian Ruffino Found Found, Found
Michael Collins Found Found
Safraz Khan Found Found
Yazan Asfour Lost Found
Daniel Kelly Found Found, Found, Found
Michael Reyes Found Found, Found
James Wiles Found Found, Found, Found
David Demers Found Found, Found
Oanh Le Found Found
Lance Fine Found Found
Todd Spikes Found Found

Unaired suspects

Stephen Holt, who had previously almost been caught in the Ohio sting but was too young at the time, and Anthony Phillips were both interviewed by Chris Hansen, but their interviews were never televised, and no uncut footage has surfaced either. According to one of the Perverted Jusitce volunteers, Stephen laughed when Chris brought up a photograph Stephen had sent of his genitals. Their chat logs and uncut police interrogations are both available online. One more unaired predator Samuel Ray Harrison also appeared in this episode however unlike Holt and Philips never came inside the sting house. He waited out front until Chris came but instead of talking to Chris he ran and was arrested. His chatlog and uncut police interrogation is also publicly available.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Police Interrogation
Stephen Holt Found Found
Anthony Phillips Found Found
Samuel Ray Harrison Found FoundFound

Ocean County, New Jersey

The Ocean County, New Jersey sting was conducted from late March to early April 2007 and saw the arrests of 28 men. Among them include Todd Lewis, a registered sex offender previously convicted of sexually abusing a young girl he met online; and Kazuo Akutsu, who ended up passing out and crashing into a bar counter in the sting house.[47][48] Almost all of the men were convicted, aside from Tech Sergeant Ernest Timmons, Timmons having passed away while in jail because of liver failure. His chatlog was published on Perverted Justice's website as part of "Other Resolutions".[49] The remaining chatlogs were also published on the website, with the exception of Savio Noronha's, with speculation being he managed to be acquitted of the charges against him.[50] Although no police interrogations have been made publicly accessible, a small snippet of Kazuo Akutsu's uncut Hansen confrontation has been found, namely when he passes out and smashes into the bar at the end of the interview. Some uncut footage from Michael Lubrano's Hansen interview can be found online as well.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation
Gregory Stewart Found Lost
Chris Raynor Found Lost
David Russell Found Lost
Eugene Daily Found Lost
Daniel Figueroa Found Lost
Selwyn Knights Found Lost
Dwayne Chisholm Found Lost
James Erick Santil Found Lost
Ziegfeld Rivera Found Lost
Michael Lubrano Found Partially Found
Robert Graber Found Lost
Ernest Timmons Found Lost
Malik Washington Found Lost
Richard Burnham Found Lost
Howard Thornton III Found Lost
James Marcotte Found Lost
Anthony Palumbo Found Lost
Savio Noronha Lost Lost
Jeremy Keister Found Lost
Michael Murray Found Lost
John Donnelly Found Lost
Thomas Shin Found Lost
Terry Warner Found Lost
Todd Lewis Found Lost
Kazuo Akutsu Found Partially Found
Sean Lee Found N/A
William Hare Found N/A
Justo Benavides Found Lost
Chris Raynor Found Lost

Bowling Green, Kentucky

Finally, the Bowling Green, Kentucky sting was conducted in October 2007 and resulted in the arrests of seven men over four days.[51] Among them included Lorne Armstrong, who had a 407-page chatlog and showed up on his birthday; Travis Fowler, a registered sex offender convicted in 1995 for sexually abusing an underage teen; and Dustin McPhetridge, a sufferer of cerebral palsy who was previously caught chatting inappropriately online with teenage girls and of whom possessed many indecent images of children.[52] Also included were highlights of the Highland Heights sting Dateline NBC was not involved with, with a segment on Jim Rauch, a University of Cincinnati faculty member whose police interrogation and phone conversation with the decoy became famous among the TCAP community.[53]

All the predators featured were convicted, and thus their chatlogs were published on the Perverted Justice website. A freedom of information request also proved successful in gaining all of the police interrogations. The only missing interrogation media for Bowling Green is the video for Jeremy Todd West. As for uncut interviews, two were uploaded to YouTube, originating from an unusual source. It was revealed that the uncut Lorne Armstrong interview was actually sent by Armstrong to a catfish of his, believing that NBC unfairly represented him in the broadcast and that the uncut footage would show him in a better light when seen by others. Also included in the tape was Travis Fowler's segment.[54] The rest have yet to see the light of day, although an uncut clip of Michael Patterson being tased after his interview concluded has been recovered.

Predator Chatlog Uncut Hansen Confrontation Uncut Police Interrogation
Jim Rauch Found N/A Found
John Wesley Elliot Found Lost Found
Jeremy Todd West Found Lost Found (Audio), Lost (Video)
Lorne Armstrong Found Found Found
Dustin McPhetridge Found Lost Found
Richard Watwood Found Lost Found
Travis Fowler Found Found Found, Found
Michael Patterson Found Partially Found Found

See Also

External Links


  1. Perverted Justice home page discussing having decoys in MSN, AOL and Yahoo! chatroom back in the early-to-mid 2000s. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  2. NBC News explaining how the chatlogs alone were enough to be charged with a misdemeanour in California, but that showing up is a felony. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  3. Perverted Justice explaining the Information First scheme that led to chatlogs not being published unless convictions were secured. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  4. Web Archive of MSNBC, which provided uncut TCAP interviews for Riverside and Ohio. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  5. 4Archive discussing how some police interrogations were obtained through FOIA requests. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  6. Perverted Justice page concerning the Bethpage, New York sting. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  7. Perverted Justice's Chatlog Conviction page for Ryan Hogan. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  8. Perverted Justice page concerning the Fairfax, Virginia sting. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  9. Perverted Justice page concerning the Riverside, California sting. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  10. Will & Will article concerning William Lawrence Havey being acquitted. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  11. Perverted Justice's "Other Resolutions" page for Charles Harding. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  12. Web Archive showcasing a blocked MSNBC page containing Riverside TCAP footage, including ones for Erik Pallesen, Abraham Koujababian and Dan Swinney, all of which are currently inaccessible. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  13. Web Archive showcasing a blocked MSNBC page containing TCAP footage, including one for John Mahon, which is inaccessible currently. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  14. Web Archive showcasing a blocked MSNBC page containing TCAP Riverside footage, including one for John Mahon, which is inaccessible currently. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  15. Web Archive showcasing additional Riverside footage, including for Jorge Correa's bust. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  16. Daily Advocate article concerning the Greenville, Ohio sting. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  17. Fox 19 article concerning the arrest of James Rutherford. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  18. NBC News article concerning Kevin Westerbeck and his crimes. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  19. Web Archive showcasing several uncut Ohio interviews that currently cannot be accessed. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  20. Web Archive showcasing more uncut Ohio videos. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  21. Third Web Archive link showcasing potentially lost uncut Ohio footage. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  22. Naple News article concerning the Fort Myers, Florida sting. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  23. Naples News article concerning Clifford Wallach and his conviction. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  24. Naples News article concerning Marvin Lakhan. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  25. Temple of TCAP page discussing why the three Fort Myers predators were acquitted. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  26. Ledger-Enquirer article concerning the Fortson, Georgia sting. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  27. Forsyth News concerning Cody Green and his subsequent arrest. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  28. NBC News article concerning the Fortson, Georgia sting and Rolando Restocruz. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  29. Perverted Justice's Most Wanted page for Abhilash Bhaskaran. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  30. Press Democrat article concerning the Petaluma, California sting. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  31. Daily Mail article concerning Joseph Roisman being acquitted. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  32. Perverted Justice's Most Wanted page for Pulkit Mathur. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  33. Temple of TCAP forum concerning Chandra Nunna's missing chatlog. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  34. Temple of TCAP discussing Vaikunth Soundarajan's uncut interrogation Retrieved 27 May '23
  35. NBC News article concerning the Long Beach, California sting and Michael Warrecker. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  36. Los Angeles Times article concerning the Long Beach, California sting and Michael Seibert's second appearance. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  37. Esquire article detailing the botched arrest and ultimately, the suicide of Louis Conradt. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  38. Fox News article concerning the Texas district attorney's decision not to press charges on the Murphy predators. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  39. Perverted Justice's "Other Resolutions" page for Louis Conradt. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  40. NBC News article concerning the Flagler Beach, Florida sting, and James Wiles, Safraz Khan and Yazan Asfour, and Todd Spikes. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  41. Perverted Justice's Most Wanted page for Yazan Asfour. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  42. Perverted Justice's Most Wanted page for Yazan Asfour. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  43. Perverted Justice's Most Wanted page for Mohammed Abdallah. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  44. Temple of TCAP post discussing James Wiles being re-arrested in November 2009. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  45. Temple of TCAP post concerning the death of James Wiles. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  46. Temple of TCAP post discussing how the Flagler Beach, Florida police interrogations resurfaced online. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  47. NBC News article concerning the Ocean County, New Jersey sting and its predators. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  48. Trib Live article concerning the conviction of Todd Lewis. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  49. Perverted Justice's "Other Resolutions" page for Ernest Timmons. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  50. Temple of TCAP forum theorizing why Savio Noronha's chatlog was never published. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  51. ColumbiaMagazine discussing the Bowling Green, Kentucky sting. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  52. NBC News article discussing the Bowling Green, Kentucky sting, and its predators. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  53. Temple of TCAP discussing Jim Rauch's notability within the TCAP community. Retrieved 8 Aug '21
  54. Temple of TCAP discussing how the uncut interviews of Lorne Armstrong and Travis Fowler were found. Retrieved 8 Aug '21