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Art of my "Ducksona" by our very own Reynard

I'm Hannah better known as RSTvideo. I've been a member of the Lost Media community since December 2012.

I live in Louisiana. My first language is English; however, I know basic Swedish. I was born January 27th, 1998. While born in the 90's, I consider myself more akin to the "2000's Kid" term, as most my interest involves 2000's in some way.

My main interest is mostly electronics, Sonic the Hedgehog, cartoons, and....I'm a HUGE Kevin Smith Fangirl. I'm always up to talk about any of my interest, or just chat, though I warn you that I am actually very, very shy. I am also an artist, I take most my inspiration from the late artist C.Martin Croker.

Oh, and my favorite band is Red Vox.

I've been a part of the staff since April 2017, I do most my work on the Discord, though I'm getting around to working more for the site by writing articles and editing ones that need work. I really encourage looking into my articles if possible, as I do have a problem with run-on sentences and needless over-wording...or just weird as hell wording period.

Articles I've Created