Threediots (partially found Nintendo Video comedy series; 2012-2014)

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This article has been tagged as Needing work due to its editing, punctiality, and lack of content.

Threediots was a television series which was created by Kate Duffy and produced by Consolidated Baily, Inc. for the now defunct Nintendo Video app of the Nintendo 3DS. The series is about the Edwardsons named Burke Edwardson and Lola Edwardson who encounter many adventures in the Somerville.

The series gained mix reactions from the Nintendo community: Some saying it was good, some saying it was bad.

Although, some behind the scenes,screenshots,a teaser, and other videos of the series exists, it's unknown if Nintendo or anyone affiliated with Threediots owns any of the 6 episodes.

The only reminiscence of any episode of the series, is a bad quality recording of the first episode.