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Hello, there. My name is AJ, and I'm a horror blogger, writer, and aspiring filmmaker with a fascination for obscure media, the strange, and the macabre.

For me, these woven, interlocking interests stem back to my childhood in the late 1990s and early 2000s after getting my first taste of horror and having my sights set on going to medical school to become a forensic pathologist by the mid-2000s. This career that I had laid out for myself ultimately contributed to what brought me to discover the extreme and underground horror cinema community, with media such as Cannibal Holocaust and Faces of Death leading me to find other brutal "shockumentaries" and content that exposed me to the darker things in life - as well as early shock sites like Rotten that had been booming yet again due to the controversial photo leaks from Abu Ghraib.

In my search for death and the macabre, I found clarity, closure, and a growing fascination to learn more - not only for the communities I had grown to admire and respect but also the ins and outs of why certain things go missing. There was so much to see and uncover, both with fictionalized media and real-life acts of violence - and more often than not, the two are mutually related. It raises so many questions about not only the darkness of our imaginations but also the horrors we can unearth within human psychology and sociology. For those reasons alone, I often feel more drawn to uncovering or researching a macabre piece of lost media than I do any other piece of media that's lost or unaccounted for that's considered safe for work.

So, come along with me, and we'll dig up the missing "bodies" together. Perhaps then, we can start putting more of these cases to eternal rest in the hopes they'll no longer have to hide in the dark - forever haunting our dreams.


Articles I've Written / Contributed To