Donkey Kong Parking Attendant (non-existent build for cancelled SEGA arcade game; date unknown)

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Donkey Kong.jpg

Donkey Kong.

Status: Existence Unconfirmed

Donkey Kong Parking Attendant is a rumored lost arcade game that was talked about by Stephen Radosh, the host for the gameshow, “Catchphrase”, and the executive producer for the Phillip CD-i Mario and Zelda games.


Radosh started his career by producing textbook for a publisher, before working on a chess simulation game called “Sargon”. He then beeline and gotten a job at Atari for a manager of design in New York. Radosh helped on making a lot of Atari games and even was at the release for E.T and the subsequent collapse. He then left Atari and landed at a job at SEGA, where he experienced the weirdest case of cross-licensing[1].


In a article by Gameinformer, Radosh told them that SEGA somehow gotten license to Donkey Kong and that he helped on making a Arcade game about Donkey Kong as a parking attendant[2][3] , stating:

“Somehow Sega had gotten the rights to Donkey Kong. You were dodging cars that were pulling in and out of the lot, and you had to get X number of cars parked in spaces.[1]

Not a lot of reasons is known on why it wasn’t released but one reason Radosh gave was that SEGA (which was owned by Paramount at the time) was sold back to Japan to David Rosen and Hayao Nakayama.[2][1]


No photos or footage of the game has ever released, making it unconfirmed of how long Donkey Kong Parking Attendant progress in development.

See Also
