Jerkbeast (partially lost Seattle public access comedy TV series; 2001-2002)

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This article has been tagged as NSFW due to its strong language and mature humor.


Cover of the movie that was based on the show.

Status: Partially Found

Jerkbeast was a comedy television show that aired on Seattle public access television (specifically, on the Seattle Community Access Network)[1] from April 6, 2001 to September 25, 2002.[2] The show featured a large foul-mouthed paper maché monster (the Jerkbeast) who would scream at and insult people who called in.[3] As the show's website described it: "It's a simple premise: 30 minutes of pure, blinding hatred directed at YOU, the viewing audience. Call in and try to out-swear us. You'll find it rather difficult."[4]

A movie with the same name (and featuring the same cast) was made a few years after the show ended.[5][6] Additionally, the cast formed a garage punk band called Steaming Wolf Penis.


One of the cast members, Calvin Lee Reeder (who played "Sweet Benny" on the show) writes on his website[7]:

I use to go to Brady’s house a lot. There was this particular pile of trash in the living room, and each time I went over there, it seemed to grow in horrible new ways. One day it became the Jerkbeast. Brady had plans to host a public access show wearing it. He did that. Brain Wendorf and I co-hosted 2 seasons of it alongside him on Scan-TV channel 77. We had a pretty strong following, and it was as all because of the Jerkbeast, the most creatively vile rapid-fire insulter Seattle public access had ever known. All social boundaries were ignored, and we received death threats on a regular basis.

It went so well we decided to turn it into a movie. The movie features the three of us in a band called Steaming Wolf Penis, Jerkbeast played drums. That band was so bad it gained a separate cult following. We played live quite a bit even toured England a couple of times. I’d say most people who saw us play didn’t even know we made a movie, probably never will.

Found Episodes

Some of the episodes were available on[2] until around late 2008. saved some of them, although the videos are very low quality.

In 2012, someone uploaded 4 episodes of Jerkbeast to YouTube.[8] The video is much higher quality video than the episodes on

In 2014, Justin Brown uploaded two episodes of Jerkbeast to Vimeo (S01E11 and S01E14).

In 2019, YouTube user gov' holocaustal uploaded 21 episodes of Jerkbeast, including a moderately-sized chunk of season 2.

List of Episodes

Season 1

# Air Date Status
1 April 6, 2001 Found
2 April 13, 2001 Found
3 April 20, 2001 Found
4 April 28, 2001 Lost
5 May 7, 2001 Found
6 May 14, 2001 Lost
7 May 21, 2001 Lost
8 June 1, 2001 Lost
9 June 8, 2001 Lost
10 June 15, 2001 Lost
11 June 22, 2001 Found
12 June 29, 2001 Lost
13 July 7, 2001 Lost
14 July 14, 2001 Found
15 July 21, 2001 Found
16 July 27, 2001 Found
17 Aug 3, 2001 Found
18 Aug 10, 2001 Found
19 Aug 24, 2001 Found
20 Aug 31, 2001 Found
21 Sep 7, 2001 Found
22 Sep 14, 2001 Found
23 Sep 21, 2001 Found
24 Sep 28, 2001 Found

Season 2

# Air Date Status
1 April 3, 2002 Found
2 April 11, 2002 Found
3 April 18, 2002 Found
4 April 24, 2002 Found
5 May 1, 2002 Found
6 May 8, 2002 Found
7 May 15, 2002 Found
8 May 22, 2002 Lost
9 May 29, 2002 Partially Found
10 June 5, 2002 Lost
11 June 12, 2002 Lost
12 June 19, 2002 Lost
13 June 26, 2002 Found
14 July 3, 2002 Lost
15 July 10, 2002 Lost
16 July 17, 2002 Lost
17 July 24, 2002 Lost
18 July 31, 2002 Lost
19 Aug 7, 2002 Lost
20 Aug 14, 2002 Lost
21 Aug 21, 2002 Lost
22 Aug 28, 2002 Partially Found
23 Sep 4, 2002 Lost
24 Sep 11, 2002 Lost
25 Sep 18, 2002 Lost
26 Sep 25, 2002 Lost

External Links
