
From The Lost Media Wiki
Revision as of 15:29, 26 September 2016 by Dycaite (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to The Lost Media Wiki!

This wiki is a community passion project where we detail and attempt to track down (at least, in most cases) pieces of lost or hard to find media; whether it be video, audio or otherwise (of either a fictional or non-fictional nature), if it's completely lost or simply inaccessible to the general public, it belongs here.

Breaking off from its original Wikia hosting, the site was moved to its own, independent host (the process of which was initiated in late 2014 and concluded in mid 2015) and has been steadily growing since its humble beginnings. We encourage any and all connoisseurs of obscure media to join in and contribute; the more the merrier. Happy searching!

Lmwtan.png Some articles on this wiki contain NSFW/NSFL content and have been marked as such.

Please browse with caution!

Notice board


Lost Media Chronicles Episode 29.

Hey guys!

New Lost Media Chronicles is up. This one is about lost presidential/ political debates. With the United States Presidential Debate coming up, election season will bring people hunting for old political debates to help them get some perspective.

Also, next month is Halloween month. There will be a new video every week and I'll be dressing up as a character from the work I'll be doing a video about.

Also, pardon my general inactivity as of late. I've been busy working on a new series as well as still trying to get you guys new episodes of the Chronicles. Thank you guys for your continued patience.


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