Hellbenders (found original pilot of web animated series; 2012)
Title card for "Bitch, Applease", the pilot to Hellbenders.
Status: Found
Date found: 09 Apr 2016
Found by: LostVideosArchive
Hellbenders is a popular animated web series created by YouTuber psychicpebbles. It centers around the two main characters, Chris and Zach, going about their everyday lives while unknowingly (or uncaringly) committing or being a part of various horrible acts. Sometime before 2012, a rough pilot titled "Bitch, Applease" was created for it and on October 6th, 2012, it was cleaned up, expanded, and turned into "Applooza", the first episode of the show.
There are various differences between "Bitch, Applease" and "Applooza", the main one being that "Bitch, Applease" is in a heavily unfinished state, with several scenes either not animated or missing entirely. Also, based on the pilot's "intro", the final product may have had a different intro comprised of static photos instead of the fully animated one it has now. The tree scene, "black market" scene and the final scene with the mailman also seem to have had different endings.
The pilot, originally available on the Hellbenders website, was removed from the rest of the site when it went offline.[1] However, on April 9th, 2016, it was reuploaded on the YouTube channel "LostVideosArchive" alongside some extras.
External Link
- Archive.org link to "Bitch, Applease". Retrieved 09 Apr '16
- ↑ Archived Hellbenders website page where the video was originally uploaded to. Retrieved 28 Jul '16