Suede (lost rant video from online reviewer; 2008)

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The video's thumbnail and title.

Status: Lost

Suede (formerly known as That Dude In The Suede) (real name: William DuFresne) is an online anime critic formerly a part of the popular comedic reviewing website Channel Awesome.

In 2008, back when he went by the user name Aurisath, he uploaded a rant video titled: YEAH! LEAVE 5 SECOND MOVIES AND NOSTALGIACRITIC ALONE!!! in which he criticizes YouTube's policies. This was due to Doug Walker having his early Nostalgia Critic reviews taken down for copyright violations even though his reviews were under the fair use clause. Suede's video impressed Walker so much that Suede became one of the first critics added to the site.

Suede promised that once the whole issue cooled down that he'd remove the video from YouTube. He kept his promise and the video hasn't been seen anywhere on the Internet since, outside of it's thumbnail and title. No mirror has ever been found and Suede doesn't have a copy of it, as he only saved it onto a now long-dead college computer. Unless someone happened to download the video, it may be lost forever.

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