Peppa Pig (found pitch pilot of Channel 5 animated series; 2002)
Peppa Pig is a British animated children's series co-created by Neville Astley and Mark Baker that first aired in 2004 on Channel 5 and still airs to this day. The show centers around a young pig named Peppa as she spends each episode with her family and friends as they engage in everyday activities.
In 2002 a pilot was made to pitch the series to Channel 5. Until recently the only evidence of the pilot's existence was from a Nick Jr. Australia promo which shows Peppa laughing while lying on the ground.
The pilot was first screened in 2002 at a convention in Snowdonia, Wales and again at the London Animation Club convention in 2017 when an unknown user recorded the pilot on their camera and uploaded it (along with the pilot for Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom) onto their YouTube channel on April 29th, 2021. The video had since been taken down and was reuploaded by YouTuber BlueFrog a few days later.
- The pilot had elements that were later reused in various episodes of the show.
- Peppa acted a bit more bossy and cheeky compared to the final show.
- An early version of the theme song is played in the background of the pilot.
See Also
Peppa Pig
Milkshake! (Channel 5)
- Angels of Jarm (partially lost Milkshake! animated series; 2007-2009)
- Audrey and Friends (partially found Milkshake! animated series; 2002)
- The Beeps (partially found Milkshake! CGI animated series; 2007-2008)
- Bird Bath (partially found Milkshake! animated series; 2005)
- Jelly Jamm (partially found pitch pilot of British Spanish children's animated TV series; 2009)
- MechaNick (partially found Milkshake! animated series; 2003)
- The Milkshake! Show (partially lost Milkshake! live-action series; 2007-2011)
- Pip Ahoy! (partially found unaired pilot of Milkshake! animated series; 2013)
- Roary the Racing Car (lost pitch pilot of Channel 5 stop-motion animated series; 2005)
- Roary the Racing Car (partially found American dub of Channel 5 stop-motion animated series; 2008-2012)
- TooMuchTV (lost Channel 5 animated comedy series; 2000)