Luiz de Barros (partially found films from Brazilian director; 1916-1977)
Luiz de Barros was a Brazilian filmmaker and theater director. He began his artistic activities in Europe, more precisely in France, Switzerland and Italy. He studied in Milan, attending painting and scenography courses. In France he visited old studios, watching film shootings.[1]
His first film was "A Viuvinha" from 1916, which he himself destroyed, dissatisfied with the final result of the film. In 1929 he created the "Sincrocinex" system, with which the first Brazilian sound film "Acabaram-se os Otários" was made, starring the already famous actor Genésio Arruda, and the Italian Tom Bill, pseudonym of Loris Giraud.
In 1978 he released the book "Minhas Memórias de Cineasta", where he talks about his experience working in cinema. The book was released by publisher Artenova, in partnership with Embrafilme, and organized by critic and filmmaker Alex Viany.[2] Barros' last film was "Ele, Ela, Quem?" recorded in 1977, but released years later, in 1980.
In his long career, Luiz de Barros was the most prolific of Brazilian filmmakers, having made comedies, carnival and musical films and adaptations of literary and theatrical works, in short, of all genres.[3]
Research indicates that Luiz de Barros directed more than 265 films, 105 feature films and 160 short films. Only 106 films are known, including films that Barros helped produce and not including canceled films, implying that at least 158 films are unknown.
Of all 106 known films, only 35 have survived. However, countless images, fragments and scripts from lost films have survived.
Hei de Vencer
In 2023, in the documentary "Anésia - Um Voo no Tempo" fragments of an unknown fiction film about airplanes were found. After an analysis, it was concluded that the fragment belonged to Hei de Vencer. Due to the discovery of the fragments, Hei de Vencer is Barros' oldest film with known fragments.
List of Films
Note: Due to the fact that some films have an unknown date, it is possible that the list is not in chronological order.
Year | Name | Literal Translation | Original Airdate | Status |
1916 | A Viuvinha | The Little Widow | None | Lost |
1916 | Perdida | Lost | October 16, 1916 | Lost |
1916 | Vivo ou Morto | Dead or Alive | December 14, 1916 | Lost |
1918 | Zero-Treze | Zero-Thirteen | January 1, 1918 | Lost |
1918 | Amor e Boemia | Love and Bohemia | September 26, 1918 | Lost |
1918 | A Derrocada | The Debacle | Unknown | Lost |
1919 | Alma Sertaneja | Country Soul | April 24, 1919 | Lost |
1919 | Ubirajara | - | June 20, 1919 | Lost |
1919 | Iracema | - | None | Non-Existent |
1920 | Coração de Gaúcho | Heart of Gaucho | April 26, 1920 | Lost |
1920 | A Joia Maldita | The Cursed Jewel | October 2, 1920 | Lost |
1920 | Aventuras de Gregório | Adventures of Gregório | Unknown | Lost |
1922 | O Cavaleiro Negro | The Black Knight | January 15, 1923 | Lost |
1922 | O Exército Brasileiro | The Brazilian Army | Unknown | Lost |
1922 | O Rio Grande do Sul | The Rio Grande do Sul | Unknown | Lost |
1922 | Sacadura Cabral e Gago Coutinho no Rio de Janeiro | Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho in Rio de Janeiro | Unknown | Lost |
1923 | Romeu e Julieta | Romeo and Juliet | Unknown | Lost |
1923 | Augusto Aníbal Quer Casar | Augusto Aníbal Wants to Get Married | September 1923 | Lost |
1923 | A Capital Federal | The Federal Capital | November 10, 1923 | Lost |
1924 | Rosa de Sangue! | Blood Rose | None | Lost |
1924 | A Revolução de 1924 | The Revolution of 1924 | Unknown | Found |
1924 | Amor de Apache | Apache Love | June 16, 1924 | Lost |
1924 | Vocação Irresistível | Irresistible Vocation | June 17, 1924 | Lost |
1924 | O Adultério | The Adultery | June 22, 1924 | Lost |
1924 | O Homem Mosca | The Fly Man (parody of Safety Last!) | None | Existence Unconfirmed |
1924 | Hei de Vencer | I'm Going to Win | November 24, 1924 | Partially Found |
1925 | Quando Elas Querem | When They Want | April 18, 1925 | Lost |
1925 | O Flagelo da Humanidade | The Scourge of Humanity | Unknown | Lost |
1925 | Pedras Altas | High Stones | Unknown | Lost |
1925 | Rio Pitoresco | Picturesque River | Unknown | Lost |
1926 | Depravação | Depravity | Unknown | Lost |
1927 | A Casa de Santos Dumont | The House of Santos Dumont | Unknown | Lost |
1927 | Venenos da Humanidade | Poisons of Humanity | None | Lost |
1928 | Operação Cesariana | Caesarean Operation | Unknown | Found? |
1928 | Operação do Estômago | Stomach Operation | Unknown | Lost |
1928 | Criação de Cavalos | Horse Breeding | Unknown | Lost |
1928 | Estradas do Brasil | Roads of Brazil | None | Existence Unconfirmed |
1928 | Pitoresco da Costa | Picturesque of the Coast | Unknown | Lost |
1929 | Acabaram-se os Otários | No More Idiots | September 2, 1929 | Partially Found |
1929 | Uma Encrenca no Olimpo | Trouble on Olympus | None | Lost |
1929 | O Emigrante | The Emigrant | None | Existence Unconfirmed |
1929 | Meia Volta, Volver | Half Turn, Return | None | Existence Unconfirmed |
1929 | Tudo Pelo Seu Amor | All For Your Love | None | Existence Unconfirmed |
1929 | O Amor Não Traz Vantagens | The Love Doesn't Bring Advantages | September 14, 1929 | Lost |
1929 | A Juriti | The Juriti | Unknown | Partially Found |
1929 | Casa de Caboclo | Caboclo's House | Unknown | Partially Found |
1929 | Baianinha | - | Unknown | Partially Found |
1929 | Como Se Gosta | How You Like It | Unknown | Partially Found |
1929 | Palhaço | Clown | Unknown | Lost |
1929 | Feijoda | - | Unknown | Partially Found |
1929 | Cidades de Veraneio | Veraneio Cities | Unknown | Lost |
1930 | Messalina | - | April 21, 1930 | Partially Found |
1930 | Lua de Mel | Honeymoon | April 21, 1930 | Lost |
1930 | O Babão | The Babão | January 12, 1931 | Partially Found? |
1930 | Minha Mulher Me Deixou | My Wife Left Me | Unknown | Lost |
1930 | Sobe o Armário | Climb the Closet | Unknown | Lost |
1930 | Tom Bill Brigou com a Namorada | Tom Bill had a fight with his Girlfriend | Unknown | Lost |
1931 | Tango do Amor | Tango of Love | Unknown | Lost |
1931 | Alvorada de Glória | Dawn of Glory | November 16, 1931 | Partially Lost |
1935 | Alô! Alô! Brasil | Hello! Hello! Brazil | February 4, 1935 | Partially Found |
1935 | Carioca Maravilhosa | Wonderful Carioca | June 11, 1935 | Found |
1936 | O Jovem Tataravô | The Young Great-Great-Grandfather | September 14, 1936 | Found |
1936 | Pulo do Nove | Nine Jump | None | Existence Unconfirmed |
1937 | O Samba da Vida | The Samba of Life | October 25, 1937 | Found |
1937 | O Palhaço | The Clown | None | Existence Unconfirmed |
1938 | Tererê Não Resolve | Tererê Doesn't Solve | March 5, 1938 | Found |
1938 | Maridinho de Luxo | Luxury Husband | August 8, 1938 | Found |
1938 | Alma e Corpo de Uma Raça | Soul and Body of One Race | November 14, 1938 | Found |
1939 | Hangar Caquot N.1 | - | Unknown | Lost |
1939 | Poeta do Morro | Poet of the Hill | Unknown | Lost |
1939 | Serviço Médico da Aviação | Aviation Medical Service | Unknown | Lost |
1939 | Favela | Slum | Unknown | Lost |
1940 | Cisne Branco | White Swan | Unknown | Lost |
1940 | ...E o Circo Chegou | ...And the Circus Arrived | December 13, 1940 | Found |
1941 | A Sedução do Garimpo | The Seduction of Mining | October 17, 1941 | Found |
1941 | Entra na Farra | Enter the Party | February 20, 1943 | Partially Found |
1942 | It's All True | - | None | Partially Found |
1943 | Samba em Berlim | Samba in Berlin | February 22, 1943 | Found |
1944 | Berlim na Batucada | Berlin at Batucada | February 7, 1944 | Found |
1944 | Corações Sem Piloto | Hearts Without a Pilot | August 22, 1944 | Found |
1945 | Pif-Paf | - | February 5, 1945 | Found |
1945 | O Cortiço | The Tenement | July 16, 1945 | Found |
1946 | Caídos do Céu | Fallen from Heaven | February 25, 1946 | Found |
1946 | O Cavalo 13 | The Horse 13 | Unknown | Found |
1947 | O Malandro e a Granfina | The Trickster and Granfina | Unknown | Partially Found |
1948 | Esta é Fina | This is Fina | February 4, 1948 | Lost |
1948 | Fogo na Canjica | Fire in Canjica | August 1, 1948 | Found |
1948 | Inocência | - | August 31, 1949 | Partially Found |
1949 | Eu Quero é Movimento | I Want Is Movement | Unknown | Lost |
1949 | Pra Lá de Boa | Beyond Good | February 14, 1949 | Lost |
1951 | Aguenta Firme, Izidoro | Hang in there, Izidoro | January 29, 1951 | Lost |
1951 | Anjo do Lôdo | Lodo Angel | April 1951 | Found |
1952 | Era Uma Vez Um Vagabundo | Once Upon a Tramp | None | Partially Found |
1952 | O Rei do Samba | The King of Samba | Unknown | Found |
1952 | Está com Tudo!... | You Have Everything!... | March 1953 | Found |
1953 | É Pra Casar? | Is it for Marriage? | Unknown | Lost |
1954 | É Proibido Beijar | Kissing is Prohibited | June 2, 1954 | Found |
1954 | Malandros Em Quarta Dimensão | Tricksters in the Fourth Dimension | Unknown | Found |
1955 | Trabalhou Bem, Genival! | Worked Well, Genival! | March 14, 1955 | Found |
1955 | Como Se Faz Um Filme | How to Make a Film | Unknown | Lost |
1956 | Fuzileiro do Amor | Marine of Love | April 20, 1956 | Found |
1956 | O Négocio Foi Assim | The Business Was Like This | December 29, 1956 | Found |
1956 | Quem Sabe... Sabe! | Who Knows... Knows! | Unknown | Found |
1956 | O Boca de Ouro | The Golden Mouth | Unknown | Lost |
1957 | Samba na Vila | Samba in the Village | March 25, 1957 | Found |
1957 | Tudo é Música | Everything is Music | May 22, 1957 | Found |
1957 | Um Pirata do Outro Mundo | A Pirate from Another World | Unknown | Found |
1958 | Com a Mão na Massa | Hands-on the Pasta | March 17, 1958 | Found |
1959 | Aí Vem os Cadetes | Here Come the Cadets | August 4, 1959 | Partially Found |
1961 | Por um Céu de Liberdade | For a Sky of Freedom | November 27, 1961 | Found |
1962 | Vagabundos no Society | Tramps in Society | November 29, 1962 | Found |
1970 | Salário Mínimo | Minimum Wage | December 14, 1970 | Found |
1977 | Ele, Ela, Quem? | He, She, Who? | June 12, 1980 | Found |
See Also
Luiz de Barros
- Acabaram-se os Otários (partially found Brazilian comedy film; 1929)
- Augusto Aníbal Quer Casar (lost Brazilian comedy film; 1923)
- Hei de Vencer (partially found Brazilian drama film; 1924)
- Uma Encrenca no Olimpo (lost unreleased Brazilian comedy film; 1929)
- Vocação Irresistível (lost Brazilian comedy short film; 1924)
Brazilian Films
- Amazonas, o Maior Rio do Mundo (found Brazilian documentary film; 1918-1920)
- Apuros do Genésio (found Brazilian comedy short film; 1940)
- Barcarola (lost Brazilian film; 1908)
- Nhô Anastácio Chegou de Viagem (lost Brazilian first comedy film; 1908)
- O Kaiser (lost Brazilian first animated film; 1917)
- Os Óculos do Vovô (partially found Brazilian film; 1913)
- Presente de Natal (partially found Brazilian animated film; 1971)
- Um Bravo do Nordeste (lost Brazilian western film; 1931)
- Um Crime Sensacional (lost Brazilian drama film; 1913)
- Vittorio Di Maio (lost films from Italian director; existence unconfirmed; 1897)