
From The Lost Media Wiki
Revision as of 09:44, 28 March 2017 by Dycaite (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to The Lost Media Wiki!

This wiki is a community passion project where we detail and attempt to track down (at least, in most cases) pieces of lost or hard to find media; whether it be video, audio or otherwise (of either a fictional or non-fictional nature), if it's completely lost or simply inaccessible to the general public, it belongs here.

Breaking off from its original Wikia hosting, the site was moved to its own, independent host (the process of which was initiated in late 2014 and concluded in mid 2015) and has been steadily growing since its humble beginnings. We encourage any and all connoisseurs of obscure media to join in and contribute; the more the merrier. Happy searching!

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Notice board

UPDATE 2.60! (Added 28 Mar 2017)

First two Mister Rogers "Conflict" episodes, courtesy of TROG SLEEP NOW

blameitonjorge's 10 Updated Pieces of Lost Media II

psychoticgiraffe's video showing the PC version of Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

Two Hippo Tub Co. episodes, courtesy of CDCB2

Hey everyone, dycaite here with the third notice board post for the month of March; it's always nice to have a busy news month for lost media! Here we go:

  • Two of the five Mister Rogers' Neighborhood "Conflict" episodes have been found! Episodes 1521 and 1522 (ie. the first two episodes of the "Conflict" arc) were uploaded a little over a week ago by YouTuber TROG SLEEP NOW, although said uploads have now been taken down due to a copyright claim; fear not though, because several people (myself included) have made backups of the episodes and LMW contributor ApolloJustice has also made a YouTube mirror (of the two episodes in a single video), which can be viewed above; original webm backups can be found here.
    Since the unearthing of these episodes, some... interesting (to say the least) articles have sprung up, theorising that their resurgence was a possible "warning" of sorts to Donald Trump. As an Australian, I'll let you guys in the US decide for yourselves if there is any merit to these but from an outsider's perspective it seems like a pretty far-fetched thing to suggest... In any case, massive thanks to TROG SLEEP NOW for the provision and preservation of these TV relics and to blameitonjorge for tweeting about their recovery (which is how I first learned that they had been put online); here's hoping the remaining three surface some day!
    P.S. Speaking of blameitonjorge, he recently uploaded a new lost media update video (in which the aforementioned Mister Rogers episodes are addressed), that can be seen above! Thanks to jorge for once again giving the site a shout out in his video; I'm only too happy to return the favour :)
  • The PC version of Plumber's Don't Wear Ties has been found! This rare version of the critically and commercially panned 1994 adult visual novel was found at Ball State University's library by YouTuber psychoticgiraffe, who subsequently ripped the game and has made it publicly available for download! The game's unearthing went on to catch the attention of the folks at PC Gamer, one of whom recently gave it's rediscovery a write-up! Big thanks to psychoticgiraffe for making this rarity available to all budding "bad PC game" enthusiasts and lost media enthusiasts alike, and to PC Gamer for giving the LMW a mention - much appreciated!
  • Two episodes of Hippo Tub Co. have been unearthed by LMW contributor CDCB2! The episodes, "Finders Keepers; Singin' in the Drain" and "Norton's Turn; Am I Blue?" can be directly downloaded here, or can be streamed via the above link; Thanks to CBCB2 for unearthing these episodes, and a special shout out once again to ApolloJustice for providing a YouTube mirror!

That's it for now - stay gold, people!


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