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Notice board

UPDATE 2.72! (Added 16 Jan 2018)
Sally English dub, courtesy of TOMYSSHADOW and Skip Elsheimer from A/V Geeks

Lost Media Chronicles Episode 56 - Thomas and the Magic Railroad

Johnny Kemp Reading Rainbow theme, courtesy of Drew Trachier

What's up guys, it's me, dycaite, back with another exciting notice board post! First off, I just wanna give a special thanks to kobo for filling in for me on the previous notice board; it was a big one too, so massive props for doing that dude! Without any further ado, let's see what's new:

  • The English dub of Sally (aka "Clock Man") has been found! Big thanks to LMW contributor TOMYSSHADOW and Skip Elsheimer from A/V Geeks (the former having contacted the latter see if they had a copy, which they did indeed) for unearthing this rarity! You can see the English dub of Sally via the above embed, download it in standard definition here, or in high definition here (but be warned, it packs a punch at 11.5GB; torrent also available here). With that, the Clock Man search has officially come full circle; we really couldn't have asked for a better conclusion to all our hard work! Props once again to everybody involved in the search, it was a mammoth effort, but we got there in the end :D
  • A familiar face returns to the Lost Media Chronicles with a new episode! In this instalment, Trey covers the topic of the highly sought-after lost content from Thomas and the Magic Railroad; check it out via the above embed (and while you're there, give Randy and his team a thumbs up and a subscribe if you haven't already, they work hard on these videos)!
  • The Johnny Kemp Reading Rainbow theme has been found! The video, found just under a week ago by YouTuber Drew Trachier can be seen above, albeit in low, handheld quality; still, it's much better than nothing! Thanks Drew! Here's hoping a higher quality version surfaces at some point.

That's it for today, a nice little one to tide you all over until next time ;)

'Til then, cyas!


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