2019 notice board posts

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UPDATE 3.16! (Added 18 Dec 2019)
The Infamous Banned Episode of Postcards From Buster.

The Bizarre Search For Cracks: Sesame Street’s Lost Nightmarish Short.

The Lost GameCube Tech Demo - Marionette (E3, 2001).

The Hanna-Barbera Happy Hour episode 5, courtesy of Kevin Day.

Binyah Binyah episode 1 "The Three Little Duckponies", courtesy of Milk Prayer and Mophead19961.

Gibus episode 8 "Gibus et Pharaon", courtesy of Super 80-90s !!!

Sonic 3D Blast demo track for Casino Night Zone, courtesy of Jon Burton (aka GameHut).

Sonic Adventure New Year's DLC gameplay footage, courtesy of YouTuber SPEEPSHighway.

1993 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Sonic balloon incident, courtesy of Eyewitness News ABC7NY.

Helloooo Mr. Bush everybody! dycaite here with what will be (barring some unforeseen, miraculous find) the final notice board post for 2019, and to close out the year in style, we have yet another hefty post for you to all digest! Its length totally has nothing to do with me not having got around to writing this up sooner, I promise ;) ;)

Anyway, let's waste no time and dive right in! Beginning with... ... The following:

  • More collaborator videos to enjoy! This time we've got two videos from LSSQ - "The Infamous Banned Episode of Postcards From Buster" and "The Lost GameCube Tech Demo - Marionette (E3, 2001)", and from blameitonjorge - a comprehensive video (the most comprehensive one yet) of the search for Cracks (aka Crack Master); you can check all three videos out via the above embeds! Thanks for the continued quality content guys! 👌
  • An episode of The Hanna-Barbera Happy Hour has been found! Episode 5 (the final episode, to be specific), as digitised from its U-Matic master tape, was uploaded a few months back by YouTuber Kevin Day and guest stars Tom Bosley, Connie Stevens, and R&B group The Sylvers. You can check it out via the above embed; thanks to Kevin for giving us a first proper look at this short-lived series!
  • 3 episodes of short-lived children's puppet series Binyah Binyah have been found, bringing the whole 5-episode series to Found status! The episodes in question (ie. "The Three Little Duckponies", "Binyah has a Yummy Cake", and "Night Fright") come to us courtesy of Discord user Milk Prayer, who came upon VHS recordings of the episodes, which (with some help from fellow Discord user Mophead19961 in ripping and uploading the tapes) have since been made available online! You can check the first of the 3 newly found episodes via the above embed and the other two can be found here and here; thanks to both Milk Prayer and Mophead19961 for making the effort to pull these remaining episodes out of obscurity!
  • 3 episodes of 1965 Belgian animated series Gibus have been found! Episodes 8, 9 and 15 ("Gibus et Pharaon", "Gibus perd la boule" and "Gibus et les gogos" respectively) were uploaded a couple of weeks ago by the YouTube channel Super 80-90s !!! (which, as it happens, is run by our very own Gaucelm/Reynard)! Episode 8 can be seen above, with episode 9 here and episode 15 here; thanks Gaucelm!

It's time to visit Sonic's discount depot, here are 3 Sonic finds for the price of one:

  • First up, another demo track for Sonic 3D Blast has been released! This track (Casino Night Zone) comes courtesy once again of GameHut (a YouTube channel by Traveller's Tales and TT Games founder Jon Burton), who have been periodically releasing demo tracks for the game over the past couple of months; here's hoping the remaining 3 tracks are also on the way sometime soon! You can listen to the newly unearthed Casino Night Zone demo track via the above embed; thanks GameHut!
  • Secondly, the long lost (no seriously, since 1999) Sonic Adventure New Year's DLC has been found! The Japan-exclusive holiday-themed DLC was released in December of 1998 to commemorate the new year but was removed just weeks later and was, until recently, believed to be completely lost. Thankfully that is no longer the case! A DCEmulation forum user by the name of Moopthehedgehog made a post back in November about a Japanese 4X memory card that he had purchased, which, incredibly enough, contained the New Year's DLC content for Sonic Adventure! Moopthehedgehog's post also contained a downloadable dump of the DLC and can be found here; thanks Moopthehedgehog!
  • Thirdly, have you ever heard the story of how a Sonic float at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1993 was deflated by a lamp post? Well, now you can actually witness the event as it took place, thanks to recently unearthed archive footage courtesy of Eyewitness News ABC7NY! The footage is up on their YouTube channel and can be seen via the above embed; thanks to Eyewitness News ABC7NY for digging into their archives to help unearth this rare recording!

Next up:

  • A Wii prototype of the video game adaptation for Sam Raimi's long-since cancelled film Spider-Man 4 has been found! This unfinished build was discovered, not unlike the Sonic DLC, on an older piece of hardware, specifically, an RVT-H Wii development kit, by Andrew Earley (AndrewEarley7 on Twitter). Andrew has since dumped and released the prototype online, which you can download here! Thanks to Andrew Early for getting this out to the public, and a special shout-out to Gaming Alexandria's Jonas Rosland once again for the tip-off!
  • 3 episodes (can't help but feel this is becoming a bit of a running theme today) of MC Hammer's very own cartoon series Hammerman in their Finnish dub have been found! Episodes "Lights, Camera, Hammer!", "Blast From the Past" and "Who's Who" were provided in late October by YouTuber Viihdekonserni and can be found right here! Thanks Viihdekonserni!
  • An online short film by the BBC has been brought back to the internet! 2016's Just a Girl, which centers around the life of a transgender child, caused something of a controversy when it was first released in late 2016 and was pulled from all official online BBC sources by early 2017; in the months to follow, copies would float around via MEGA and the like before all known links were deleted. Until now! Thanks to Kidmarscat, the film can once again be viewed in its entirety; you can see the half-hour or-so-long film here via archive.org; thanks Kidmarscat!
  • Disney+ (for anyone who has been living under a rock, that's Disney's new streaming service) has launched and it actually contains a significant amount of content that was previously labelled as lost! This includes the Bonkers episode "Fall Apart Bomb Squad", all but 3 episodes (there is it again) of Out of the Box and the remaining 2 episodes of The Book of Pooh! Big props to Disney for taking the initiative to get this older content back into the wild, releases like this are always much appreciated! You can sign up for Disney+ here if you'd like to see anything mentioned in this paragraph.
  • And on the subject of Disney, yet another Circle 7 Toy Story 3 script has been acquired and shared online! This one, dubbed the "Recall" draft can be found here, courtesy of scriptwriter Jim Herzfeld and LMW regular YoshiKiller2S, who reached out to Jim about it was and subsequently provided with/allowed to release a pdf copy online; thanks guys!

Finally, as is becoming more and more of a usual thing, here is a follow-up addendum post for everything else we couldn't fit in (sorry!)

THAT is just about going to do it for today, big thanks to Ryanskip once again for keeping tabs on all the found stuff for us. Have yourselves a wonderful Christmas/holidays/New Year/beyond and I will see you all in 2020; cheers!


UPDATE 3.15: TO 7 YEARS OF LMW! 🥂 (Added 01 Dec 2019)

30th clear.png

What's up guys, dycaite here with a brief but very special notice board post, the type that only comes around once a year - and no, I'm not 24 days ahead of everyone, I'm talking about the anniversary of the LMW's creation! That's right, over the weekend the LMW turned 7 years old, which feels crazier and crazier the more I think about it. It hasn't always been smooth sailing, but we've had some great times and made some amazing discoveries, and we wouldn't be where we are today without our fantastic staff and community. I don't think there's much more I can say that I haven't already said on our previous birthdays aside from thank you very much to all who made this possible! :D And a special thanks to Gaucelm (aka Reynard) for the awesome celebratory artwork!

That's all for today, but don't worry, we'll have another proper notice board post coming your way soon (definitely before the big fella arrives) - for now, we just wanted to sit back, relax and celebrate this 7-year strong journey; here's to 7 more!


UPDATE 3.14! (Added 04 Nov 2019)
Pinwheel footage 2 of 2, courtesy of Meredith_Vintage (source) and PinkiePie097 (YT upload).

Pinwheel footage 2 of 2, courtesy of Meredith_Vintage (source) and PinkiePie097 (YT upload).

JBVO episode from October 1st, 2000, courtesy of SchfiftyThreeRetroTV.

Fox Kids censored edit of Cybersix episode "Data-7 & Julian, courtesy of Brock (source) and Media Finder (YT upload).

Butt Ugly Martians episode 1 - "Playback/Payback", courtesy of Toony Cartoony.

Sonic 3D Blast demo tape tracks 1-3, courtesy of Jon Burton (aka GameHut).

How's it going everybody, dycaite here with another succulent Chinese meal notice board post for you all to sink your teeth into - brought to you by the letter M (for Museum of the Moving Image, but More on that in a Moment)! Hope everyone had a happy, spooky Halloween, as we now enter into the merry month of November (yes, it's merry - if shops are already acting like it's Christmas time then I can too). Alrighty, enough bad jokes from me, let's get right into it:

  • The Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, NY will be holding a very special screening on the 24th of November dedicated to Lost and Found Sesame Street! Tickets are $15 each and they are slated to be exhibiting footage of BOTH the Wicked Witch episode AND the Snuffy's Parents Divorce one, perhaps even in their entirety - a truly incredible experience that, were I not stuck on an island on the bottom of the world, I would absolutely endeavour to attend. Can't wait to hear how the event unfolds and whether or not we get any info on a potential worldwide release! Big thanks to everyone involved in making this happen! If you're near the area, I urge you to take a visit, this is the kind of event we love to see happen and the more support, the better :) You can find more details right here. But that's not all! In addition to this screening, the Museum of the Moving Image will ALSO be screening the very first episode of Sesame Street 2 weeks earlier, on November 10th (for the same entry price of $15) - more details on that screening can be found here. Thanks for all you do MoMI!
  • Another hour or so of Pinwheel footage has surfaced! While the Clock Man mystery may have been put to rest some time ago, it's great to still see people continuing to hunt down other lost Pinwheel content; this new hour of content (courtesy of archive.org user Meredith_Vintage) can be found in its raw, unedited form (alongside other recordings that were on the tapes in question) here and here, or if you're so inclined, you can view just the clipped Pinwheel footage itself above via the two YouTube embeds, courtesy of PinkiePie097. Thanks guys!
  • Another episode of JBVO has been found! The episode, from October 1st, 2000, was uploaded on its 19th anniversary last month (nice touch) by YouTuber SchfiftyThreeRetroTV and can be seen via the above embed. It may not be the coveted DBZ episode, but it's massively appreciated nonetheless; thanks SchfiftyThreeRetroTV!
  • A previously lost episode of Fox Kids' censored edit of animated series Cybersix has been recovered! The episode, titled "Data-7 & Julian" was provided by Discord user Brock (aka Nostalgist's Archive on YouTube) on our very own LMW Discord server! A YouTube mirror by Media Finder can be seen via the above embed; thanks to both Brock and Media Finder for bringing this one to light!
  • A bunch of once-lost Butt Ugly Martians episodes have recently been unearthed! Over the past few months, YouTuber Toony Cartoony has been steadily uploading episodes of the show to the point where we are now only one episode away from completion! As someone who saw this show plenty as a kid, it's great to see it nearly 100% found, here's hoping that last episode doesn't prove too elusive. You can check out Toony Cartoony's YouTube channel here or, if you're new to the series, you can check out the first episode via the above embed. Thanks Toony Cartoony!
  • Now, onto one of my favourite topics: video games - 5 unreleased demo tracks from Sonic 3D Blast have surfaced! All 5 of the tracks in question, composed by Jun Senoue, were shared by Traveller's Tales and TT Games founder Jon Burton in mid to late October via his GameHut YouTube channel. Jon rediscovered the tape of MIDI demo tracks back in 2017, having owned them all the way back in 1996, but could not release them until now due to rights issues. Big thanks to Jon for not giving up on finding a way to get these out to the public, they're really very interesting to hear in contrast with the game's final soundtrack! It's worth noting that 3 tracks from the tape have yet to be released, though judging by GameHut's upload pattern, it seems likely we will be hearing them soon. You can check out the first few tracks from the demo tape via the above embed!
  • Next up, the kind folks over at Gaming Alexandria have recently unearthed not one, not two, but three unreleased games and have shared the ROMs, source codes and all that jazz via their website! The three games in question, 4×4 Off-Roaders, Travis Pastrana’s Moto X (both for the Game Boy Advance) and Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle (for the Super Nintendo) can be found by clicking on their aforementioned titles, which will redirect you to their respective Gaming Alexandria articles. Big thanks to everyone over at Gaming Alexandria who made this possible, and to GA's Jonas Rosland for personally informing me of their release!
  • A cavalcade (no seriously, a cavalcade) of Postopia games have been found! 43 OF THEM! They were shared with the Advergame Recovery Project Discord server in mid-October by a Postopia dev under the name nightpearl in a Google Drive upload, accessible here! Big thanks to nightpearl for this massive collection - it's rare to see a single instance of game preservation on this kind of scale (web games or otherwise) and it's definitely something to stand up and commend, so, a big kudos to you!

And to close off once again, here is a link to this update's Addendum post for everything else we couldn't squeeze in (sorry to anyone we didn't feature! If this thing were any longer it'd turn into a novella 😅) In any case...

♫ That's all there is, there isn't... Any more ♫

Big props, as usual, to LMW regular Ryanskip for helping us keep track of all this stuff; until next time, take it easy peaceple ✌️


UPDATE 3.13! (Added 16 Sep 2019)
LSuperSonicQ's video on the Phantom Blood pilot trailer.

2004 Phantom Blood pilot trailer, courtesy of Red Mango.

Nightmare Ned episode "Monster Ned", courtesy of Knordob.

Nightmare Ned episode "The Ants", courtesy of Knordob.

15 minutes of Roly-Polys Nanakorobi Yaoki gameplay.

Birthday Mania setup tutorial, courtesy of YouTuber Trevgauntlet.

Super Mario Bros. cut scene, courtesy of SMB Movie.

Youri, the Spaceman episode 7, courtesy of OLDTPBUSER 22.

Starland Vocal Band Show episode 1, courtesy of StarlandandMore.

What's up guys, dycaite here with an exclusive, rare peek at the once-thought-extinct notitiam tabula, seen here in its natural habitat for the first time in three months (seriously though, I know it's been a long time since the last one and I both apologise for my lack of updates and thank you for your patience 🙏🙏🙏). Since this notice board is gunna be such a big one, I've decided to make it a hybrid forum post/notice board post, with the highlights being outlined here on the homepage and the full list of found media being given here via the forums (big thanks to LMW regular Ryanskip for keeping track for us). Now, onto the highlights of the past few months:

  • First up, a rare 2004 pilot trailer for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood has been found! You can hear all about the newly unearthed clip above, courtesy of LSuperSonicQ’s brand new video on the topic and see the 40-second trailer for yourself (also above - or, for the purists among us, a raw copy can be obtained here)! Big thanks to Red Mango for making this rarity available and to LSSQ for spreading the word!
  • The final missing episodes of Nightmare Ned have been found! With the show now found in its entirety, you can check out the article yourself for links to all 12 episodes (25 segments); big thanks to everyone who worked on bringing this series back from obscurity for all to enjoy! Furthermore, you can catch the two found episodes that brought this search to completion back in late May ("Monster Ned" and "The Ants") via the above embed, courtesy of YouTuber Knordob; thanks Knordob!
  • Osamu Sato's Roly-Polys Nanakorobi Yaoki has been found! This first in a duology of obscure Japanese educational games was tracked down back in July by the Osamu Sato Discord group and can be downloaded (alongside box, manual and disc scans) right here! Big thanks to those involved in bringing this to light (it's a series I've personally been quite curious about ever since learning of its existence and I'm certainly going to give this one a try soon)!
  • Birthday Mania has been found! A ROM dump of the incredibly rare Atari 2600 title (personalised - in recognition - to Anthony Tokar, the game's developer) was provided online in late July by AtariAge user Atari_Warlord and was followed up that same day with an unpersonalised copy also being released courtesy of user Shawn (also on AtariAge). Big thanks to both Atari_Warlord and Shawn for preserving and making these ROM dumps available! You can grab the personalised version here and the unpersonalised version here!
  • A deleted scene from the infamous 1993 live-action Super Mario Bros. movie has surfaced! In mid-May, an extended rough cut of the film was found on a tape by The Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive (aka SMB Movie on YouTube), containing roughly 15 minutes of never before seen footage, with one of these cut scenes making its way online in August courtesy of the aforementioned Archive (seen via the above embed). Thanks to SMB Movie for sharing this rarity; here's hoping the rest of the cut footage surfaces soon!
  • Another episode of Youri, the Spaceman has been recovered, leaving just 6 remaining until completion! Episode 7 was found and uploaded back in early June by OLDTPBUSER 22 (sourced from an old recording of Happy Tree Friends and Friends - hello fellow Australian!) and can be seen via the above embed; thanks OLDTPBUSER 22!
  • Aaand while we're on the topic of found spacemen, check out this news piece on an incredible find - original recordings from the Apollo 11 moon landing which have since gone to auction, selling for a whopping 1.8 million US dollars (crazy stuff, huh?); here's hoping these historic recordings (which are confirmed to be of much higher quality than the ones that currently exist in the public domain) are properly archived and shared someday.
  • The Starland Vocal Band Show has been found in its entirety! Back in April (and yes, I'm well aware of how many throwbacks I've already made in this notice board post, we're running behind, ok? 😅 But... As we all know, life, uh, finds a way and here we are now, better late than never), all six episodes of the 1977 variety show were uploaded by YouTuber StarlandandMore, the first episode of which can be seen via the above embed; thanks StarlandandMore!

NOW, before you go getting too comfortable, recall that I said I'd be breaking this post up into a comprehensive list in the forums and a highlight post here on the homepage (which you're reading right now, duh) - you can check out the Update 3.13 Addendum here for a comprehensive list of everything found over the past few months (or more than a few in some cases) - including, but not limited to: found episodes of The Magic Roundabout, found episodes of The Noddy Shop, new Rimini Riddle footage (warning: disturbing, in more ways than one) and more - there's a whole bunch to check out so I highly recommend giving the forums post a look. Big thanks once again to Ryanskip for keeping track of everything, without his lists I'd be a deer in the headlights when it comes to writing these up 👍

That's gunna do it for this year (I kid, of course 😛); until next time, take it easy everybody!


UPDATE 3.12! (Added 15 Jun 2019)
LSuperSonicQ's video on the Frontier Enterprises dub of Dragon Ball.

blameitonjorge's video on A Day With SpongeBob Squarepants.

Cybersix episode "Mysterious Shadow" (Fox Kids edit).

M3D Volume One

SpongeBob short "Nickelodeon Blimp."

EarthBound 64 footage from SpaceWorld 1996.

“Greetings, loved ones. Let’s take a journey.”

Hey everyone! Let’s get right into it this time. First off, we have 2 new collaborator videos! The first is from LSuperSonicQ, with a video on the lost 1987 Frontier Enterprises dub of Dragon Ball – the first English dub of the series, predating the 1989 Harmony Gold dub. The second is from blameitonjorge, with a fairly comprehensive video recapping one of our most famous searches, A Day With SpongeBob SquarePants. Be sure to watch both of them above!

Next, the new finds:

s 22-26 of Dragon to Archive.org, completing the entire series as found. Thanks!

  • M3D volume one has been found by YouTube user Cat Arthur, after they found it at a thrift store and later discovered it was lost. Thank you for uploading it!
  • A number of old Minecraft builds have been found – too many and all too convolutedly named to conveniently list here, but all of the available PC edition builds can be found here, and the Pocket Edition builds can be found here. Thanks to ArcticFromClosed for handling all of this!
  • And finally, more footage of Earthbound 64 has surfaced, taken from SpaceWorld 1996. The build itself is still completely lost, but it’s always nice to find anything that gives us a glimpse of it.

That’s it! Hope everyone has been having a good pride month, enjoying the weather if you’re in a place where that applies, and I’ll see you next time! Also, we definitely didn’t forget to update the featured articles for 4 months, we just featured 20 articles because we wanted to


UPDATE 3.11: IS THIS THING ON? (Added 12 May 2019)
LSuperSonicQ's video on Astrology with Squidward

LSuperSonicQ's video on Johnny Bravo spin-off blocks

Nightmare Ned episode "Testing... Testing..."

Can you believe it’s already April? Me neither, probably because it’s May. But nevertheless, we’re back with another update for you all!

First off, our talented collaborator LSuperSonicQ has two new lost media videos! The first is his final video on Astrology with Squidward, concluding the search after new information was thought to be found by YouTuber SSTEAS. The second is on lost Johnny Bravo spin-off blocks, including Viva Las Bravo and Toon FM, both in the same vein as JBVO. Be sure to check both videos out above!

Moving onto the finds:

  • As previously announced, Future Thoughts Productions have been officially uploading lost episodes of their series Crime Time. Since the last notice board was posted, they’ve uploaded another 8 episodes. Thank you again for continuing to help out!
  • The first episode of Korean animated series Giga Tribe was uploaded officially uploaded by G&G Entertainment to their “G Kids TV” channel. It is split into 4 parts and can be seen here: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • An episode of the Canadian series My Special Book was uploaded by YouTube user Logan Maxwell, and can be seen here. Though the video is low quality, this is still the only episode out of 90 to have ever surfaced, so big thanks!
  • Now on to video games, a Cartoon Network point-and-click game from 1995 called The Quest grabbed everyone’s interest after some varying descriptions of it popped up around the internet with only a single YouTube clip to show for it. However, as quickly as it was discovered, it was found! Thanks to Twitter user Alex McG for sharing the game, which can be downloaded here.
  • LMW user TheDiscordDrummer has uncovered the second Learning Voyage game, “Sand Trapped!”, from a .res file uploaded to a forum in 2017. Good job!
  • Finally, 5 tracks from J-Pop duo W’s third album W3: Faithful have been released on an EP titled Choi Waru Devil. This comes over 10 years after the album was cancelled and the duo disbanded.

Those are all the finds (thanks again to Ryanskip for keeping on top of them), but one last thing – we’re making some changes to the discord! We’ve added a new lost-media-related channel for general talk about anything the wiki covers, in addition to the regular search channels. We’ve also added a Question of the Day feature and a media restoration channel, so feel free to come by and check it out! Anyways, that’s all for this time, so see you later!

With all my heart,


The Wire, courtesy of Augenblick Studios.

LSuperSonicQ's video on The Wire.

blameitonjorge's video on Ratafak Plachta.

Hey everybody, dycaite here with a new notice board post for a new month! Hope everyone's 2019 is shaping up to be a good year :) Whatever you've all been up to, let's put some icing on that March 2019 cake with some lost media news:

  • First off, just in case you've been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, The Wire has arrived! I probably should have posted about it here in the notice board section earlier, but what with the amount of visitors to the Discord and Forums lately, I figure most of you are probably already aware that it has been released by now... ANYWAY~ If you haven't already, you can catch The Wire right now via the above embed (or, for the connoisseurs among you, you can grab a copy of the 7GB raw video file here); big, big thanks once again to Aaron Augenblick and everyone at Augenblick Studios for making this happen!
  • Next up, we have two collaborator videos, one from LSuperSonicQ on the aforementioned The Wire (a great way to catch up if you're not familiar with how the search unfolded) and one from blameitonjorge on Ratafak Plachta. Thanks for another solid set of videos, guys (and sorry for not posting them here earlier)!
  • Aaand finally, as you may have guessed from the title, we have another "stuff we missed" update for you guys (including the recently unearthed 1996 Aeon Flux PlayStation prototype) - but instead of posting a long list here on the homepage, I thought it'd make more sense to create a forum post on it and then link that post here, so that is exactly what I have done and you can read about all the stuff we missed over the past few months right here. Thanks to Ryanskip for keeping track of the found media listed!

That's gunna do it for now; until next time, take it easy all! ✌



How's it going guys, dycaite here with a short (but very exciting!) notice board post; let's get right into it:

  • If you've been perusing the LMW Forums and/or Discord lately, you will no doubt be familiar with the "Plugman" search that kicked off some weeks ago. The 1996 short, which has since been identified as The Wire (as shown in said year on Cartoon Network as a part of ToonHeads' "A Night of Independent Animation") has been recovered via VHS by creator Aaron Augenblick's Augenblick Studios, who have pledged to rip and upload the short! Big thanks to Aaron Augenblick and everybody at Augenblick Studios for helping us unearth this highly sought-after animation! It's always such a pleasant surprise when studios/companies themselves come forward with lost media, it's really quite inspiring to know that our efforts are having a wide enough reach so as to come to the attention of creators themselves. Thanks again, all!
  • Big story number two (you're gunna wanna pay attention to this one if you're a fan of Sesame Street) - The American Archive of Public Broadcasting are currently undergoing an effort to archive nearly 4500 episodes, from the first 49 seasons (as donated by Sesame Workshop) and will be making them available for public viewing on location! The big question on everybody's lips now is whether or not this archive will include the infamous "Wicked Witch of the West" episode, or perhaps even the unaired "Snuffy's Parents Get a Divorce" one; while all we can really do is hope at this point, regardless of whether or not either of these episodes are included, this is undeniably a noble effort on the part of both the AAPB and Sesame Workshop and one to be highly commended.

That's all for today, keep an eye on the Forums, Discord, social media and such (and of course here on the notice board) for the inevitable release of The Wire, I know many of you are anticipating it with a lot of excitement :) Ciao!


blameitonjorge: "The Search For Clockman."

SimCity NES Gameplay, from The Video Game History Foundation.

LEGO Pirates TV series pilot.

Bobb'e Says: "Tony Hawk's Warehouse."

Hammerman: "Dropping Out" (part 1 / 2 / 3)

Ten minutes of footage from Nickelodeon's By The Way.

“I know it's late and I took all year, but you can stop complaining 'cause I'm finally here…”

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a good time over the holidays. While we were celebrating, we let the finds pile up again, so we’ll get into those shortly, but first, blameitonjorge has a new video out! This one is about what’s arguably our most famous search, Clockman! You can see it above. Now, let’s begin:

  • The unaired pilot for a Lego Island TV series has been released by Lorin Tone, who worked on the music it. This was uploaded in September but went unnoticed until recently. Thanks for sharing your old work!
  • All 9 episodes of G4's Proving Ground have been found by LMW user Dannyboytbh. Thanks for recovering this series!
  • 10 minutes of footage from one of the earliest Nickelodeon series, By The Way, has been found by tvguy1979. Prior to this, there was no footage at all and almost no information, so thanks for giving us a glimpse into what the show was like!
  • Finally, Future Thoughts Productions has begun releasing lost episodes of Crime Time to their YouTube Channel. They’ve uploaded 3 so far since the end of December, which can be seen here.

That’s everything for this time - special thanks to Ryanskip for helping keep track of it all. Anyways shut up mom yes I’m coming to dinner just give me a second
