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A user that usually creates Filipino Lost Media pages, particularly lost and obscure commercials. Founder of Philippine Television Archives that focuses on archiving and finding PHTV footage.

Created articles

Number Title Date completed Notes
1 Anna Liza (lost Filipino drama TV series; 1980-1985) 27 October 2021 My first page! Took me like 30 mins to make this. This is about a popular but lost TV series in the Philippines.
2 OPS-PIA Ripped Doll (lost Filipino child abuse PSA; 1998-2001) 27 October 2021 A rather creepy Filipino PSA that was once on the internet but got removed.
3 Ang Panday (partially found Filipino animated series; 1986) 28 October 2021 The first Filipino animated series on television, albeit no full episodes have resurfaced.
4 Zoe TV (lost final sign off of Filipino TV Channel; 2005) 28 October 2021 An obscure final sign-off of a PHTV channel in 2005.
5 Philippine Basketball Association (partially found Filipino basketball games; 1975-present) 28 October 2021 This is similar to NBA, albeit Filipino version. Early games of this were lost, and even 80s-90s game footages are also lost.
6 680 Home Appliances (lost Filipino appliance store commercial; 1991-2000) 28 October 2021 Another obscure Filipino commercial.
7 Caronia (lost Filipino TV commercial for nail polish; 1968) 28 October 2021 The Blogspot page was actually found by a friend of mine, so I decided to make an LMW page of it.
8 Caritas Manila (partially found Filipino series of TV commercials; 1994-2002) 29 October 2021 I actually wrote this during class LOL. This series of commercials are said to be creepy and unsettling to viewers, and there are two lost commercials of it so I decided to make a page of it.
9 T.G.I.S. (partially found Filipino TV series; 1995-1999) 29 October 2021 My favorite Filipino show that I watched last year. After learning there are lost media around it, I decided to make a page of it.
10 Growing Up (lost Filipino TV series; 1997-1999) 30 October 2021 Sequel of T.G.I.S., and sure enough this is more lost than T.G.I.S.
11 RA Homevision (lost commercial for Filipino video rental shop; 1990s) 30 October 2021 Probably the favorite page I ever made. This is an iconic commercial among the Filipinos and I decided to make a page of it to gather attention so that this commercial, I hope, will be found.
12 1 o' clock prayer (lost Filipino prayer habit interstitial; 1990s) 31 October 2021 A prayer habit interstitial that scared Filipinos in the 90s. So interesting that I decided to make a page of it.
13 GMA: Where You Belong! (partially found Filipino station ID; 1998-2002) 1 November 2021 An iconic station ID of GMA, and since the discoveries and the search about it is so interesting, I decided to make a page about it.
14 GMA-Ayala Millennium Party (partially found Filipino millennium new year countdown; 1999) 2 November 2021 The media that I always want to find. Still gives me goosebumps watching this footage, and I want to find the full broadcast of this.
15 Caress (lost commercial for Filipino nail polish; 1990s) 4 November 2021 Another lost and obscure Filipino commercial.
16 Epiderm-A (lost commercial for Filipino whitening lotion; 2000s) 5 November 2021 Another obscure Filipino commercial.
17 Uncle Bob's Lucky 7 Club (partially found Filipino live TV show for children; 1961-1992) 5 November 2021 One of the most wholesome pages I ever made. Uncle Bob is the Mister Rogers of the Philippines, sad he passed away in 2006.
18 Karne Ka Lang Sa Hazing (lost Filipino anti-hazing PSA; 1996) 6 November 2021 A creepy and obscure Filipino PSA mentioned in both reddit and Facebook.
19 GMA Sponsor Bumpers (partially found Filipino sponsorship bumpers of GMA Network; 2003-2006) 6 November 2021 Sponsor bumpers are practically a meme on the Filipino archiving community, but the 2003-2006 aren't so I decided to make a page of it.
20 Flash Report 2011 (found Filipino opening billboard for a newscast; 2011) 7 November 2021 20th page! This is a media that I found last June 2021 and I searched on this since May 2021.
21 Champola "Alone with Champola" (lost commercial for Filipino snack; 1990s) 8 November 2021 Some another obscure Filipino ad, this time it's animated.
22 ABS-CBN Worldwide Celebration of the New Millennium (partially found Filipino millennium new year countdown; 1999) 10 November 2021 Another lost millennium special, this time it's ABS-CBN's special.
23 Milagro sa Porta Vaga (lost Filipino religious drama film; 1982) 12 November 2021 First lost film I've made, since there's an active search about it.
24 Wanted (partially found Filipino public affairs show; 2011-2012) 14 November 2021 The show that gave popularity for Raffy Tulfo.
25 Nita Negrita (partially found Filipino TV series; 2011) 17 November 2021 A controversial Filipino show aired in GMA Network, due to the use of blackface. I don't really see GMA releasing this show, so i made a page about it.
26 Francisco Tatad's Proclamation No. 1081 speech (lost Filipino TV footage of the speech; 1972) 17 November 2021 One of the historical moments of Philippine TV or the media as a whole, still lost.
27 Council for the Welfare of Children "Per Kilo" PSA (found Filipino child trafficking PSA; 1999) 18 November 2021 Another found PSA I made a page for. The PSA was found on February 2021 on Adeevee.
28 Batibot (partially found Filipino educational show; 1984-2002) 18 November 2021 Sesame Street Filipino version. One of the iconic shows in the Philippines.
29 Please Pray The Rosary (partially found Filipino religious TV commercials; 1990s) 27 November 2021 One of another iconic ad of the Philippines. Found out there was a search about the scarlet version dating back to 2018, which is found last February.
30 Anatomy of a Disaster (partially found Filipino documentary series; 2010-2011) 29 November 2021 My friend and co-owner of Philippine Television Archives theFoggy found the pilot on his archives and with a little bit of research, I found out the series is lost/partially found so I decided to make a page about it. Also 30th page!
31 Biyaheng 2010 (partially found Filipino year-ender special; 2009) Been interested on this since 2020, and last September my friend found footage of it.

My finds

As an archive owner, I had a lot of finds before I joined LMW that isn't really documented, and I'll try to document them here.

Social media