Generation Gap (partially found Nickelodeon game show pilot; early 1990s)

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Generation Gap 1.jpg

A screenshot of two contestants from the pilot.

Status: Partially Found

Generation Gap is a lost game show pilot that was never picked up for a complete series by Nickelodeon. The pilot was taped at Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida sometime in the early 1990s. It is unknown why Nickelodeon did not greenlight it.


It is unknown what the premise of Generation Gap was, though it can be inferred by the name and brief snippet that parents/grandparents would compete against kids. It is likely that the teams would answer trivia questions that spanned generations. As seen in the video snippet, contestants would be slimed if they answered incorrectly.


A 5-minute compilation video was created by former crew members of Nickelodeon Studios for its ten-year anniversary in 2000. This compilation features clips from many shows, some of which have remained lost or obscure. The only known footage of Generation Gap online is in this compilation. There are around 5 seconds of the pilot, but without the original audio.[1] Whether or not Nickelodeon still has the footage remains unconfirmed.




Footage appears at 0:00 and 0:26.

See Also

Anthology and Short Series

Bumpers and Promos


Game Shows

Inaugural Series

Live Action


